Japanese Weapons Master Thread

Anyone know what these missiles are being fired from the Kikka? I seen this video many times, but always wondered if Japan had early AAM that were IR or related to it.

Ruhrstahl X-4
Japan had the Funryu project but as far as I’m aware only the AShM and SAM variants were tested, not Air-to-Air
(Funryu 2 and 4(?) in top right corner)


Could somebody help me identify the aircraft? Its got some unique liveries especially with that tail symbol. I saw it on a thread on the internet about Japanese planes in Thailand during WW2.






Not so sure where in Thailand though and even if its in Thailand at all but the poster seemed geniune.

Source: eBay: Japanese airplanes and other hardware. | Page 47 | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums

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With water cooled - Ki-32
The little plane on next photo - Ki-27
The plane what similar to Ki-32 but with radial engine - Ki-30
But I am bad at markings


Just found out about this interesting ship today.

This is the JDS Wakaba which was the ex IJN Nashi (itself a Tachibana sub-class of the Mutsu class Destroyer Escorts) that was built in 1945 - was sunk by the end of the war, then refloated and given new life for JMSDF service (mostly as a test bed for weapons and radar).


There is an amazing proposal for this on the old forums that I wish could just be imported here: JMSDF JDS Wakaba (DE-261), modification 1963 : "The Missing Link" - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

What caught my eye on this proposal though is the Experimental Type 54 Torpedo Model 3 (G-4) / 試製54式魚雷3型 (G-4) which is an experimental acoustically-guided torpedo via twin launch tubes that were soon installed on JMSDF Ayanami & Akizuki class destroyers as well as its submarines.


This was also equipped with massive early radars & sonars.


Though her armament is limited, she has some very unique armaments and a very unique history which is very surprising. Skynea History has a video about the ship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a6AuNgJvbQ


AAM-4 warhead weight is 31.3 kg.


and AAM-5 warhead weight is 9.4kg.



So, AAM-3 is still breathing copium from AIM-9M.


its about Ki variants

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Iskander and radar stations, hope for separate launch vehicles?


They said in the post specifically that the AAM-4 would be coming to the game- for balance sake I pray it isn’t going to be it’s full capacity because otherwise it’ll outclass most everything aside from the MICA and PL-12

The AAM-3 was Japan’s next big leap in producing domestic IR missiles to be able to build it’s own tools of war.

The seeker itself in real life should be a bit better than the 9M, the IRCCM on it is, from what I heard, meant to be a dual beam sort which makes it between a 9M and 9X in capacity, and the missile also used Bank to Turn to further increase it’s agility over the 9M, while coming out around the same time or only slightly later than the American 9M.

Unless this comment was poorly worded and was more along the lines of, ‘In game currently it is functionally the same but slightly better’, to call it copium is… An odd choice.

Not really what it seems like, like AAM-4 was on the stream lol

Can you be more clear, because what you’re saying doesn’t make a lot of sense without any context.

The AAM-3 was the domestic IR missile for Japan to replace the 9L

The AAM-4 was the domestic ARH missile for Japan to replace the AIM-120’s.

If they add the AAM-4 with it’s full specs, it will be much, much better than the AIM-120’s, Derby, and R-77. The MICA will be similarly powerful, and the PL-12 might be similar if a bit behind.


Alright, regarding AAM-4;

Its VERY bad, not only is it no where near its close to AIM-120C-5 performance, its doesn’t even hit anything beyond ~10-15km at any alt and speed.


Dang…do we even have anything on performance to bug report?

We stuff we can try with, but I am not expecting the devs to believe anything but their own “data”. It might end up as AIM-120A copy in the end.


I appreciate your efforts. Right now the AAM4 has a bizarrely low booster specific impulse of 42.14s. (see here) I think they copied the Mica’s booster and sustainer stats (force, burn time, mass after burn) exactly, causing the derived values to come out a bit wonky when applied to a missile with double the initial mass and a much larger width.