Japanese Ho-5 and Ho-155 deal objectively less damage than a pair of british 7.7mm

Using Stealth for the 20mm (he x4 p x1) and stealth for the 30mm (he all) they’re lesser white text guns.

honestly i’m turbo fed up. The guns deal NO damage whatsoever, all I’m getting is “Hit” and long before these guns were actually usable. To add more salt to the wound; they’re insanely slow velocity and despawn around 600m. It’s just ridiculous. Move the ki83 to 5.7 since you’re probably not going to make the guns useful.

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use default belts for the 30mm’s lol

i did use them on ki200 stock grind and boy, they’re even wose than the stealth belt lol.

I agree, Japanese cannons are starting to become a shadow of their former glory and Gaijin is doing absolutely nothing to help the state of the Japanese air tree, Basically everything is overtired and no matter how far up in the BR bracket these planes go people will still complain about their capabilities.

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they overrate them constantly. Zeroes at 5.3 is absolutely nuts, ki83 is one of the most overrated planes in the entire game, overrated by people that can’t even do 1:1 kd in it, but it’s just a reddit hivemind shtick, if a plane has good engine power it will be praised even if it’s absolute dogass to the point it gets turned inside by the most famous bricks and even if it’s engines just last for a minute on WEP with full radiators and 85 percent of prop pitch while you’re boom and zooming someone below 7km of altitude. The N1K2J being a worse j2m2 at 6.0 is an absolute warcrime.

I might be mistaken, but consider switching your 30mm belt. There was a funny HE shell with 0,8mm sensitivity, making it not detonate if it only hits cover/skin.
In other words, it only deals damage if it hits armour or modules.

HEIT (or FIT?) and others should have proper 0,5mm sensitivity, making them detonate upon any contact with an aircraft.