Japanese F-14A - An alternate outcome of the 3rd F-X Program



What exactly is copium here?

He was referring to the guy that asked the iranian tomcat for Japan (But I think he was joking)


Gotcha, I completely missed the response bar on the top right, my bad.

I would love this or maybe japan can get the ASF-14 instead either way Yes please.



correction* my apologies.

It should be they,
but why add the F-16AJ if the F-2A could have been added.
F-14A/ F-14A Block 135 have been tested in Japan, which makes more sense than adding a plane which is a proposed production variant of the YF-16A.

If they need to give Japan a plane with cas ordinance then give the EJ Kai, T-1 and F-1, the GCS-1, for the EJ kai the ASM-2 weaponry.

The block 135 would have been an interesting aircraft to give to Japan since it has the avionics of the F-14B while retaining the engines of the F-14A.

See first two images of a F-14A Block 135 in Japan



as a cammo yes, but japan never ever used or had this jet, usa and iran are/was the only operators of this jet


if i recall it was used BY jasdf pilots during a collaborative test battle with US pilots, so “japan never ever used this jet” is a straight up lie

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Isn’t that just a USN tomcat stationed in Japan?

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bro usa is the only nation in the game that have this jet and it should be only the usa that have this jet

its a unique good feature for usa nation in the game

The one I’m showing is not just a regular F-14A
It’s the Block 135 F-14A which is still retains the engines of the F-14A but has the avionics of the F-14B.
allowing to use the paveway bombs and the AIM-54C phoenix missiles.

I would ask you again to stop posting unnecessarily off-topic posts, offensive comments, wishlists for other nations or making claims that are simply not true.
The F-14A suggested here was tested by Japan, which is in line with our Guidelines and was also proven by the OP via sources. If there are any doubts about this, these doubts should be proven with sources, on the other hand it is wrong to claim that this suggestion is based on a skin or something similar.

Keep it on topic. Feedback is fine as long as it remains constructive and does not drift into insulting realms or entirely different things.


I mean, I dont mean to be rude, but does that mean things like the British F-14, or F/A-18E would be valid suggestions then?

the F-14A was considered and was considered the only viable option for Britain at the time, but eventually the Tornado ADV was chosen

and in the case of the F/A-18E, British Pilots flew the Hornets as a stop gap between britain having a fixed wing carrier capability, and there was even talks of transferring some to the UK in this time

A Hornet Source

F-18 jet turned ‘a wee bit British’ whilst flying over carrier


Ok i want to know where you got that it was flown by the Japanese from, i looked through every single one of your sources and not a single source states that it was flown by Japanese, only inspected.

There is a difference between actually flying the plane and just sitting in it for examination.

If this plane is added and only had a Japanese person sit in it, it opens a pot that I dont think belongs in this game.

Of course, the AJ exists already, but what else could Japan get? I dont think another exception is needed with the addition of thai sub tree.


As long as you are able to properly prove that X was tested and flown by Nation Y, its a valid Suggestion, yes. Example for this; german F-20A.


Excuse me, not trying to be rude, but do Suggestion Moderators read through the sources to see if information matches with what is in the Suggestion itself?

As i stated in above comment, it only states that the plane is examined, it mentions no Japanese personnel flying the F-14. From contextual clues you can tell that they atleast sat in the copilot seat during flight, but nothing more.

I know it would be time consuming, and you don’t get paid to do this job, but I believe such actions are needed for such a controversial topic.



These are NOT a F-14A tested in Japan, just an aircraft from VF-154.

The aircraft was on display in Japan at the time and had not been delivered for testing.


even if japan have tested f-14, i think that is not a good reason to give japan a f-14

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I’d like you to find me where it explicitly states this, because it is certainly not clear in the suggestion, and the sources do not seem to support that it was tested by a Japanese pilot. Even the suggestion seems to such that an American pilot was in control. Also, the Tomcat pictured at the top of the suggestion is a US Navy aircraft.

Which is not a good example either in my opinion because we only know of one flight having occurred, the claim that multiple flights were made and that serious consideration was given to that type is dubious at best.

The issue I have with these kinds of suggestions is, where does one stop? Does having a foreign exchange pilot mean that a nation can claim an aircraft? If so, I sure can’t wait for the F-22 in the UK tech tree in about a year or so.

I mean no offence to you or any of the suggestion moderators or the makers of this suggestion, but suggestions such as these make a mockery of the forum rules, because it’s quite clear that the sources themselves indicate that this was not flown by a Japanese test pilot, and even if that was the case, is that enough of a reason for it to be added? I don’t think so, personally. Such cases only open up a can of worms. With Thailand getting added, the Japanese TT will have no shortage of aircraft, especially at Top Tier, so exceptions such as the R2Y2 and the F-16AJ should be a thing of the past.


I mean, suggestions aren’t what’s added to the game, and Gaijin doesn’t just add everything suggested. Suggestions have fixed, clear and layed out rules for what can and can’t be suggested, which feels like a breath of fresh air compared to Gaijins internal, unknown rules that they have previously made various exceptions to.

So considering this suggestion fits the suggestion rules I wouldn’t want it denied, but there’s still votes and replies to voice opinions.

I agree, basically all problems leading to this suggestion can just be solved through some ASEAN aviation.

Right now I think instead of adding another purely proposed/tested aircraft the existing ones should be replaced with R2Y2s replaced by various new rank 5 additions, and a Singaporean F-16A Block 30 replacing the AJ in the tree.

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