Japanese F-14A - An alternate outcome of the 3rd F-X Program

I would rather let the ussr get the Iran F-14


I would rather let the ussr get the Iran F-14

Of course you would, that’s your most played nation…


-1, how are suggestions like this even allowed? Does simply having a pilot fly something make that aircraft a legitimate add? It’s getting ridiculous now. F-16AJ should’ve been the exception and not the norm, hopefully once Thailand is added it gets replaced, alongside the other paper aircraft in the Japanese tech tree.

I have nothing against Japan, or getting aircraft, and I understand their situation, but this is desperate.


-1 Seriously?
Just they tested so they could get it after almost the whole Swedish Heli TT?
Then what? RoC Phantom because their pilot come to the back seat, or Philippines Merkava because they have the platform?
If this kind of vehicle is not very needed like F-16AJ because Japan lack of CAS, then why could they have it? For ruining the nation MM?


Honestly I’d rather have seen this than Gaijins iteration of the F-16AJ, or even any of the real F-16J/AJ proposals. This is mainly because unlike the F-16, the F-14J proposal was actually favored quite a bit, competing very well with the proposed F-15J.
Japan could very well have selected F-14s, but F-16s were very unlikely.

That being said, it’s admittedly quite a boring proposal. For the purpose of the game it’s essentially unmodified, unlike the F-16AJ that would be very unique if implenented correctly, and even in the weird state it is in now at least sets itself apart.


Thailand, potential sub-TTs and vehicles used by the RTAF are off-topic.

Please take it to appropriate Threads:

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‘Japanese’ F-14A does not exists. Even by the most generous standards, the Japanese pilots were just on American Tomcat.

I might have understood if there was a photo of F-14A painted in JASDF scheme or dedicated F-14 airframe which provided for Japan, but otherwise I think this suggestion is void ab initio.


It reminds me when MD tried to sell F-15 to France, they paint a F-15 with French Air Force scheme, though France never tested it




No, hell no


Isn’t it the same scenario with the F-16AJ? Didn’t their pilots just test the American F-16A since the F-16AJ specifically built for Japan never existed?

Similarly, with the Swedish T 80 U, it wasn’t a Swedish-owned vehicle but temporarily used for testing and then shipped back to Russia. This illustrates why including vehicles used solely for testing purposes can become problematic, as it provides a loophole for countering arguments against their inclusion. These types of vehicles have already been accepted by Gaijin, so it seems it’s too late to backtrack now.


I heard the f-16aj idea was provided false information for the suggestion so they developed it before realizing the mistake

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I doubt that, at the time the F-16AJ was added the discussion topic had long moved on to XF-2 and it was well known F-16AJ was not ever built, only based on an existing testbed that was mistaken for a prototype for it.

The suggestion had also been deleted for a while at that point.

Thats simply said, but yes.

There has never been a Suggestion for it in first place iirc. The F-16AJ in-game is how the Devs thought a production version of it would have looked like, this was also communicated later on - Its not based on any false information.

However, this is getting off-topic.


So i hit the wrong option +1 This is japans List of options

They might as well get it they have nothing else to buy other than a F4ej, the only other nation worse off than them is Italy. If gaijin will let sweden get vehicles they never used , but only tested, then the same should be applied for every nation



It’s a very similar case, but at least we have photographic evidence about Swedish T-80U.


I understand there are photos of Sweden testing the tank. I was responding to the argument that a vehicle shouldn’t be implemented simply because it wasn’t painted in a Japanese paint scheme or didn’t use a dedicated model for Japan. The T-80U, among many other similar vehicles (like the JGSDF M36, M47, Swedish Mi-28, and AHS), weren’t built specifically for Japan or Sweden either. They were just the same vehicles from the military of the countries that built them.

The Mi-28 still had Russian camouflage and the red star on it, and the same goes for the T-80U.

I’m not saying whether these vehicles should or shouldn’t be added, but in my opinion, this argument is rather irrelevant. We already have plenty of vehicles like this in the game. If it wasn’t a problem then, why is it a problem now?


次期戦闘機調査団渡米 [Next-Generation Fighter Jet Investigation Team Departs for the United States].

Source: 昭和51年防衛庁記録, 昭和51年(1976年)における防衛庁と自衛隊の主な取り組みや活動について, 防衛省
[Showa 51 Defense Agency Records, Main initiatives and activities of the Defense Agency and Self-Defense Forces in 1976 (Showa 51), Ministry of Defense]

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To anyone more knowledgeable, could this particular magazine be helpful? From what I’ve read it has info on the FX program.

I thought that was a problem, and I still think it is. Personally I’m not a big fan of adding non-existent vehicle.


-1, the amount of rabbit holes nations can go down if we start giving nations stuff that were “tested” by nations is too large, especially with NATO and Pilots serving on different countries aircraft quite regularly

F-22 for the British Tree because some RAF pilots flew them when they were being considered as an alternative to the Eurofighter anyone?