Japanese AAM-3 missile speed

It’s interesting how War Thunder depicts the Japanese AAM-3 missile with a speed of Mach 2.5 while its real-life counterpart boasts Mach 3.5. These discrepancies between simulation and reality can impact gameplay dynamics. Additionally, the similarity between AAM-3 and the Python 3 missile raises questions about balancing in-game attributes. Discussions within the gaming community often revolve around achieving realism without sacrificing enjoyable gameplay. What are your thoughts on these discrepancies?
I also attached a link with all the necessary information to prove that the AAM-3 is capable of mach 3.5: https://www.forecastinternational.com/samples/F659_CompleteSample.pdf

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There is already a thread about AAM-3, maybe post this there for more of them too see and add to their own sources.
AAM-3 - Suggestions / Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum

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Thank you brother