Japanese 30mm tracer round nerf

I just wanted to make a post with title “Why did japanese Ho-155 30mm guns tracers magically became AP now?”

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German 30 mm still 1 click slap. Japanese does not seem to do so anymore nor are so accurate anymore.

Yeah, seriously only reason thing like Ki-200 was 8.7 (even that is terribly overtiered) were the guns. So it should be at least 8.0 like the german one now that the guns were nerfed.


So many vehicles in-game for Japan lack their AP rounds. ->Stares at Japanese Ki-45’s where only one has access to AP shells rest don’t meanwhile they all utilize the same cannon.

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I mean not really same canon. One is type 94 37mm and other one is Ho-203 37mm canon but I got your point.

Yeah, they all should have lower Brs. As things like Ki-84hei, R2Y2 and Ki-200 are terribly overtiered just because of the guns. Idk what kikka gonna do now if its 50 or 100 rounds cant oneshot now its no longer even “sniper” plane if it does not slap with those few rounds it has.

MK 103 or MK 101 might have slow velocity but they still oneshot more than japanese ones now. And even if they dont they are incenary so it at least have chance to set the enemy on fire. Now that japanese dont slap or are accurate theres no reason for planes that has them to be overtiered.

Keep in mind the Ki-84 Hei is 7.7 in Arcade, specifically because it had very powerful 30 mm cannons.

Cannons which now deal substantially less damage (HEF round doesn’t fuse on plane skin so unless you actually hit an internal module it will do nothing) and are 220 m/s slower than how they were when the Ki-84 Hei received that BR.


7.7 Thats pretty insane. I play just realistic and even those 6.3 br is very overtiered as it gets constantly with jets with only adwantage on it were the guns. And that is now taken away.

I was considering on buying J2M5 with 30mm like a year ago. Happy I did not as it was recently put on higher br and made useless with the guns now. (Like why do they put it on higher br right before nerfing its only weapon???)

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I bought it after they finally fixed the incorrect velocity.

Playing historically incorrect vehicles makes me sick 🤢😂

It’s not great or bad but it’s fun making the guns work.

They are essentially Type 99-2s that hit even harder but with a mere 42rds.

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After using the Ki-84 Hei, I noticed I can no longer 1 tap my enemies recently. Last time I flew it was like a month ago and it was able to 1 tap. Now Just feels like I need to hit them with it more. Is it me or was there really a change recently?


Are you using Tracers?

ho-5 tracer rounds are now AP-T. Default, Stealth, and Universal are now all the best belts if you’re looking for HE effect

Also, the Type 5’s HEF round has an incredibly dull fuse and would pass through the aircraft most of the time so i recommend taking a belt with as little as these.

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Like the full tracer… the only round you need or that actually works all the time. HEF-T

Ho-155s no longer have HEF-T. It now has 3 different rounds: AP-T, HEF-I and HEF.

AP-T is just AP, and since the velocity and weight nerfs, has only 28 mm of penetration at point blank.
HEF has 0.08 mm of fuse sensitivity. It won’t trigger on plane skin which means direct hits to modules are necessary for the fuse to trigger and explode.

HEF-I is the most reliable of the available rounds. However, the belts that do have it only have 1 of these per belt, which means that at most 1/3rd of your rounds fired will be HEF-I, which is with the default belt. Tracer and stealth belt have no HEF-I round, ground targets and universal are only 1/5th composed by HEF-I.

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Love the consistency at which Japanese vehicles get nerfed but simultaneously increase in BR… how did the R2Y2s go from 6.7 with airspawn and higher velocity rounds to 8.0 without.


Why, didn’t both 30mm cannons use practically the same shells?

I don’t know. But this is how it is right now.