As much as I’d love to see the JF-210, I doubt it could be compared to the F-16 at all. It was Mitsubishi’s domestic FS-X design for what was later pressured into the US/Japan collaborative project that became the F-2.
The JF-210 would’ve used an AESA radar system of multiple arrays. These actually seem to have been built, so maybe if we look into it more we can get an “unfinished prototype” suggestion for it.
But that still means that it might be a bit too powerful, even now. Though we are slowly approaching the performance it would have, since like the early F-2s, it wouldn’t carry any ARH missiles. I can see it fitting in maybe 0.3-0.7 BRs over where the early F-2 will sit.
Sorry if I misunderstood as it looks like you said the F-2 didn’t have ARHs early on, but the F-2 entered service with ARH missiles. The F-2 was equipped with the AAM-4, which was introduced in 1999, from the outset of the aircraft’s introduction in 2000.
The earliest models of F-2s in service lacked the J/ARG-1 transmitter necessary to operate AAM-4 missiles.
This device was later fitted, making them compatible, though I’m not sure if it was done with the change to J/APG-2 radar, or if J/APG-1 was also combined with J/ARG-1 at some point.
For the first time, I learned that the JF-210 was planned to have multiple radar arrays. I’ve also researched the JF-210/FS-X, so it’s very interesting.
-1, If I read the username well you’re the op of Japan F-14 suggestion post?
There should no more fake vehicle into game, especially Japan have F-15s and F-2s, so “give them fake vehicles to fill the preset” won’t be a proper reason like Sweden Apache
If a TT could get a vehicle just because of they Tested it especially they send them back instead of bought it like Japanese Vampire, then the nation matchmaker and nation tree will be ruined by American T-84BM, T-90M and more things like this
Many nations bought Sherman, T-34, MiG-21 and many things else, but this means they actually used and operate it, or like Italian F-16 ADF, they rent many vehicles for a long time to make them operatable
I don’t mind Japanese Vampire because they bought and it’s operatable if they want, but Sweden Tiger 2 is unmoveable (suspention system was broken, so it was only used as a target), and for your suggestion it’s even worse — at least the Tiger 2 is in Sweden now and they bought from France, instead of just tested by one pilot or rent just 1 vehicle and send it back after tested it, or even like this Japanese Flanker which is just a “what if”
I’ve already made my opinion on unpurchased vehicles known.
For the F-16AJ discussion, I’m coming around to the opinion that it should regain it landing gear AIM-7s to make it a little more unique, and then when possible, phased out and replaced with a Thai, Indonesian, ROK, or Singaporean F-16.
If Japan is EVER getting a flanker, it had BETTER be an Indonesian one as part of a subtree.
In addition to the Japanese F-14, now they also want the Japanese Su-27? I think that’s too whimsical. To the extent of absurdity, the idea of the Chinese F-14 is more realistic than this.
It would make more sense in every way to just give the Japanese tree anything US Forces Japan have operated. M1A1HC, F/A-18, AV8B, etc. But I don’t see those suggestiosn because they’re ridiculous