Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

It was fun to play at 11.0 and it could hold its own but they remembered youre not allowed to have fun playing the UK.

Because people were averaging 2:1 - 4:1 KDR in air RB with it when it was 11.3.
& the reason it’s still 11.7 is because not enough people play it to cause statistics.

It was never 11.0. It’s also vastly superior to Sea Harrier FRS1, and Jaguar is a superior airframe to Sea Harrier FRS1 which is why it’d be 11.0 with Aim-9Ls.
Just as GR1A is 10.3 with 9Gs while Harrier GR3 is 9.7.

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Yeah, still has an SB rating of 11.0 and is fun. But when it moved up, especially post 9L nerf, i never touched it in ARB again. Still miss it actually being good in A2A though. But yeah, britain tax is strong

GR.1As and GR.1Bs were fairly prolific in carrying 9Ls in the Gulf War. Also worth remembering the ingame 1A represents a 1B when fully spaded.

AFAIK most strike aircraft have the BR they have because of how they perform in GRB, not ARB. So there’s probably room to give them 9Ls since those wont make them much more effective in GRB; only make their BR more appropriate for ARB as well.
That said, I don’t think the Jag is too bad with 9Gs

To bring this thread back to the Jaguar Gr1A

Should it get 9Ls, probably not, though I dont think it would be some kind of magic bullet that would make it OP. The Jaguars flight performance is not that great (Poor energy retention, poor acceleration, poor climb rate). The only major concern would be 9Ls against jets with few CMs, but I dont think the Jaguar has a performance that massively rivals aircraft like the Su-25, A-10 or A-6 which all have 9Ls at that bracket.

Though the Jaguars do need some love.

  • Poor stock grind, with no starting secondary weapons, Addition of Aim-9Ds or 540lb bombs as stock
  • In-correct wing carry weights
  • potential issues with flight model
  • Limited loadout options (not currently fixable with additions available in game, but could be in the near future)

We have also had the Jaguar Gr1A for a very long time, and its now becoming a little dated. A Jaguar Gr3A between the Gr1A and Tornado Gr1 would be a great addition

Ah, Interesting. Thank you

I’ve honestly yet to see a strike aircraft that has a BR because of ground RB.
GR1A started doing well in air RB, so it went from 10.0 to 10.3.
If it was doing better in ground RB, it would’ve raised to 10.7 when ground was made 11.7, but it didn’t.
Harrier GR7 would’ve been made 12.0 when ground went 11.7, but it didn’t, it stayed 11.7.

No strike aircraft increased in BR when ground was made 11.7.

Dare I say this, Su-39, maybe. Though I think the Jaguar Gr1 (not the A variant) is potentially a candidate as well.

I still think Su-39 is superior in air than ground, even with only Vikhrs as worse R-3Rs that can’t be chaffed.
But GR1A is fine.
No, I don’t play it in air RB anymore cause I never liked the Jags to begin with, and I only play what I like, but I did play much of them this year while they were 10.3.
I even played the French one while F-14 was still 11.3.

I don’t think they’re in a bad position.
And whether or not decompression will impact them IDK.

A is probably fine, though the main reason I think the Gr1 might be a little high, is no CMs and a far worse flight performance to the A. I think with several jets like the Harrier Gr1/Gr3 having moved down a little, it “could” move down to 9.7 with minimal impact. Though I think its main reason for being at 10.0 is because of the fairly reasonably sized bomb load. (8x 1k bombs)

GR1 is hard cause it has 9Gs, which everyone probably universally prefers over 9Js since last year due to leading.
Normal GR1 would benefit from future decompression for sure.

Yeah, agreed, though the lack of CMs at 10.0 is pretty brutal. Harrier Gr3, has 2x 9Gs and CMs at 9.7 and is only marginally slower and has far superior handling

Would be great to have an air to air improvement but it would probably go up to, at least, 10.7. Then my 10.3 ground lineup would be ruined 😭

Eh, it would allow for the Jags to be able to pull off more consistent side-aspect stealth shots, but Aim 9L wouldn’t make the Jags meta as they would only provide a very very slight buff over the Aim 9Gs.

They’re strike aircraft, and by design strike aircraft probably shouldn’t be the best in air rb which is essentially a team deathmatch mode where capable dogfighters excel and things with lackluster flight performance suffer.

Kind of a shame, but the Jags are better used as CAS in GRB in general, Aim 9L or not.

Edit: Another point I’d like to add in, Gaijin usually nerfs air-to-air ordinance to the point where only players who aren’t paying attention will consistently get killed by said ordinance, the Aim 9L is no different as it’s flare resistance which was it’s main advantage when it was added he been removed, alongside some of it’s range with the drag nerf to missiles, so that’s my main reasoning as to why Aim 9L wouldn’t even do that much for the plane since flight performance is the main thing that matters in air rb.

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Well yeah, cause Jag would be 11.0.

Does kinda make sense, as it that was exactly what it was used for IRL and not really designed for any actual operational use as it was actually a trainer and not meant to see combat.

But I agree with the rest of your points. 2x Aim-9L wouldnt make it OP, even at 10.3. But would see it go from 0-1 kills on average in ARB, to 1-2 kills on average. The concern is the down-tiers not the matches at the same tier. Those it gets slapped no matter what it carries. It’s a shame, but the ultimate enemy is compression. Jag should never face an A2A opponent, especially not super-sonics like the F4 or F5 that destroy it in seconds.

If the statistics went up, sure, but I highly doubt they would for reasosns stated above.

I get where you’re coming from, in terms of real life, Aim 9L is a significant kit upgrade to the Aim 9G. Not to mention it has a better statcard, so on paper, it should get you more kills like you said, and also be very unfun for planes without flares.

But consider this, an aircraft paying attention to you will 1 flare an Aim 9G, an aircraft paying attention to you will also 1 flare an Aim 9L, an aircraft with no flares would die to both equally. I can’t see the Aim 9L offering a real advantage over the G in 99.9% of circumstamces, the only time I could ever see it being a factor is niche, uncommon sneaky side aspect shots where realistically both missiles could hit, but the Aim 9L would come online sooner due to all aspect capabilities, but if the enemy sees you, they can still equally 1 tap both away with a single button press.

The main difference though, is that a 9G can only be fired in rear-aspect. (side-aspect locks are rare, mostly against something on full-reheat) Many of those non-CM aircraft could keep the Jag of its tail. But the 9L is all-aspect and doesnt need that. More often than not, its those side-aspect shots on a distracted target that the 9Ls would be used for. But could be equally used to snipe something in headon. The number of times i’ve been sniped in the harrier gr1 or the Lightning F6 by something like an A-10 and there was nothing I could about it, is very very annoying.