Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

Thats a great idea but they will simply not gonna do that.

İmagine F4E-EJ getting Aim9L’s and Aim7F’s if they got uptiered (which they will get most of the time cause compression is really bad).

Why not? The F4S gets aim 7Ms?

F4S is premium and sits at higher br (11.3).

İf only Top tier sits at 12.3 instead of 12.0 we wouldnt even need better armaments for those plane in the first place.

Im not saying it should. Just that saying that “its supersonic at 10.3” isnt a good excuse because its barely that. But There are other better reasons for it not to get 9Ls. Including the fact that im not certain the Gr1A could carry 9Ls.

Though jags do need some love.

Their stock grind sucks. They need 9Ds or 540lb bombs as stock. They are definetly a prime candidate for cluster bombs when they are added. And we are well and truly overdue for the Gr3A (that definetly did have 9Ls)

There is also still issues with the wieght limit on the jags


Yeah, that has a big impact too

That’s not how balancing works.
You are asking for Gaijin to give Britain AND ONLY Britain special treatment to have the most OP vehicle in the game.

Its a very well rounded jet.
I don’t know what engines the GR.3A had or if they gave any more thrust.

I think they were better engines

The other thing is Jaguar flight models are broken.

If you get your rudder shot off even at high speeds it just spins around. Its like Gaijin didn’t even model the vertical stabilizer.

Thats exactly how it works and gaijin did it many times.

They simply gave better armaments to many vehicles in the past and watched them closely to see if they are performing too good or not.

Also have you ever heard T80BVM or Ka50-52 buddy?

Those vehicles are the definition of OP in this game.


No, it does not.
EVERY single vehicle that has attained a more powerful weapon has gone up in BR.
Every single one.
You claim others have no knowledge when you’re claiming irrelevant to this topic mid vehicles are OP.

Well, FGR2 didnt when it got skyflash, it was much much later that it went from 11.0 to 11.3. And i think that was because of the bomb load increase. But thats irrelevant to this thread

İ only claimed you have zero knowledge and i still do.

Btw Gaijin did it in the past why you are lying again?

The point is, aircraft always go up in BR.
FGR2 was going to reduce in BR, thus they added a weapon to increase it back to its BR.


No one has lied here.
Not even you when you claimed vehicles are OP when there are obviously more powerful vehicles in other tech trees.

The Harrier GR.7 only went up because of its ground capability. And now its unplayable in ARB.

The A7K is at 11.0 because of its ground capability.

Yes you did.

You claimed gaijin will only give better armament in exchange for instant br increase which is a lie.

They gave better armaments to many vehicle and watched their performance closely, after certain amount of time and with enough data they either increased their br or didnt.

Also you claimed Jaguar Gr1A will become most op vehicle in this game if gaijin gives Aim9L and i simply pointed out Ka50-52 and T80BVM are the most op vehicles in this game.

Harrier GR7 went up because of air RB, I know because I was one of the people flying it in air RB.
A7K is not 11.0 because of ground, it’s 11.0 because A7D is 10.3, nothing to do with ground RB.


You’ve listed zero OP vehicles, and I’m not addressing off-topic items.

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Gaijin even said they brought it up because of ground capability. It was fine at 11.0 - even 11.3 would be fine but 11.7?

It was performing well in ARB with pre-nerfed 9Ls, in their current state however. Probably should move down to 11.3, unless the 9L fix is good and soon

Thougu yeah, i do suspect this was the bigger reason for the move