JA37 AKAN M/75 missing tracers

Well, there’s also a thread how target lead indicator for SPAA is not accurate.

It’s a general WT problem.

We also don’t have working gyro gun sights or B-29 lead computer for the turrets, which should all boost the capabilities of such vehicles.

I’m sure you can use test flight or trainings mission to learn the trajectory of the gun and your point of aim for different ranges.

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I know the gun, it just takes a second, and a few short bursts, usually 25-40 rounds to crit a plane. I have better aim without the lead computer usually.

I mean, some belts in game have practice shells
Can’t remember which off the top of my head

EDIT: Japanese Ho-5 cannons have practice shell in the default belt
EDIT #2: French Hispano 404 cannons also have practice shell in the default belt

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I’d say go for the report
The new default ammo (should Gaijin introduce the practice tracer) could be “HEI - P - SAPHEI”
The current default ammo would then become universal

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I’ve tried reports, it constantly gives the same error code. I’d love to, but It won’t let me.

I wish there was a way to choose what specific rounds I fire out of my automatic gun. Like a custom belt almost.


Yeah custom ammo belts would be very confinent 🤔😄

Been wanting this for forever.

I was looking at German AlphaJet ammo belts currently and noticed something very interesting


Notice the “Practice tracer shell”?
Isn’t that exactly what you were suggesting for the gun on JA37?


i mean, they did give tracers to the AJ37/AJS37 so why not the JA37 variants as well?

I could be wrong on this

But gunpods which AJ37 and AJS37 use are based on ADEN 30mm cannon
JA37C/D use Oerlikon 30mm based gun or something? Not sure on that

Yes they are different cannons.
i ment more as a principle.

If there was a Tracer shell, Gaijin would have implemented it.

Even though, now that I think about it, Gaijin is as fast as a snail when it comes to making changes to aircraft cannon ammunition.


AKAN m/55 is a standard ADEN, AKAN m/75 is a modified ADEN with a completely different shape and ammuntion cartridge size, being a larger mmR cartridge

i said

had you read two more posts.

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I mean, they’re different as in, one is an actual ADEN and the other is I believe an Oerlikon KCA which is a different gun entirely

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which… is what i said…

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Oh ye I forgot to mention that as well.
Sorry mans

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I read that as a question, sorry!