dzhk hahahha we might get to this in some point
yes i believe but this is based off my experince with them ?
Last time I tested energy retention J-8B and Phantoms were within 0.3 degrees per second of each other, and both pull ~10Gs during peak AOA.
I also ran the J-8B constantly in air RB as it was superior in stock grind as well as air RB tactics compared to J-7E, despite J-7E being slightly better in a dogfight when spaded.
When people say they want a better rounds/missile, they are saying “i want this better round/missile and i want the vehicle to not go up in br”.
Of course adding better weapons will push their br higher but they dont want that br change to happen.
In the case of op, they seem to just want the jet to have its full historical loadout. This would move it up in br.
I vividly remember when R-73 was introduced and people wanted AIM-9X because “AIM-9M isn’t good at close range!”
Not arguing for Aim-9X. But in a dogfight, Aim-9Ms are some of the weakest at top tier. R-73 and Magic II are significantly better in a dogfight. 9Ms are identical to 9Ls in terms of raw performance
They are. But in actual matches AIM-9M tends to be better. ESPECIALLY in sim.
Under certain situations yeah, the smokeless motor though is to thank for that. But if I was in the Typhoon, I would be constantly fearing a Rafale firing a Magic II at me but I doubt I would ever get a good shot to use 9M.
They are the better ambush missile. Though a shame they have the incorrect lock ranges and are still “chirped” they should have twice the lock ranges they do currently
“aye chill man it’s not my post "
as for the kcroissant 2000 we all know that thing is over BR it was 12.3 because when first introduced it was the best f4 pd Rader and aim7m and aim9L while being the best turning f4 in game but since then the remove all that and give it pythons 3 as for 6 missile and i think Gojen will move it down to 12.0 and about the 6 missile loud out j8b carry max of 4 missile no matter what that’s why if the give it pl5c/pl8 it want get move up as you might thought as for my example its from 11.0 with 4 aim9L and 12.0 with 6 aim9L”
Fair. I do think the 9Ms tend to be better than the R-73 or Magic II but it’s really up to playstyle.
ANYWAY we should stop talkin about 9Ms vs R-73/M2s and let the J-8B convo continue
"what nightmare that would been "
nah your experience is valid
AIM-9X wielding F-16C vs base R-73 wielding MiG-29SMT…
Given the BR placement of aircraft like the Mig-21BIS, Mig-23MLD and Mirage F1C-200 in Sim with all-aspect missiles and the fact the J8-B is limited to 4x AAMs and is fairly average in terms of perforamnce and kit iirc.
Edit, just looked in game, decent CM count but poor RWR and eh looking radar, at least in the tooltip. So probably not the best. Not sure how the perform in combat, not a BR I overly play, Britain is rather weak at that bracket
Then yeah, a reasonable all-aspect IR missile for it shouldnt hurt
“you get TVC’’ missile I get TVC’’ missile but only WE’’ get TVC’’ missile ahh Situation”
I don’t think the J-8B gets HMD so I don’t think something like a PL-8 would be too op. It would definitely help.
yeah, j8b lacks all aspect missile that’s it but its good 11.3 f4e mig23mld are better but yeah let the j8b post move on
Not listed in the tooltip so likely not
(I know literally nothing about the J-8)
Yeah, nor do I. But Im so bored of fighting the same aircraft over and over again it would be nice to get some more diversity, buffing Chinese aircraft up to the point where they are played more would certainly help in that regard.