It is well documented that the J8B could carry all aspect missiles including the pl-5c and the pl-8. There have been bug reports for over 2 years on this topic and its still not fixed.
In sim the J8B regularly faces the f1c 2000 (the exact same 11.7 BR) which carries the magic 2s. Those are not only all-aspect, but also have IRCCM. There is no reason the J8B should be at the same BR and lacking its historical loadout. It would be perfectly fine staying at 11.7 in sim with its all-aspect IR missiles
Not going to comment specifically on whether or not the J8B should have all-aspects at that BR, I dont know. But the Magic IIs having IRCCM is because the French have no All-aspect IR missile that is an interrim. Like Aim-9Ls or R-60Ms are.
But wil say Mig-23MLD has 4x All-aspect IRs at 11.3 so should be fine
The J-8B is also not 12.0, it’s 11.3 where its existing missiles are already great.
F-1C is 12.0 in air RB and you didn’t specify mode.
J-8B is 11.3.
Also prove that J-8B can fire R-60Ms for it to get those. J-8B already has R-60M equivalent missiles: PL-5Bs. All-aspect is not an objective positive until IRCCM.
Instead of insulting others, have civil responses.
All-aspect =/= R-60M equivalent, all other all-aspect missiles are as superior to R-60M as they are PL-5B.
All-aspect =/= flare resistance.
All aspect in a vacuum is only more powerful against flareless targets.
And on top of all that, your post tries to be two things at once: A complaint about sim BRs, which your own posts ignore; and a complaint about PL-5Bs which are among the best rear aspect missiles in the game.
So instead of demanding J-8B go to 12.0 in all game modes with PL-8s, you instead demand its BR in sim be separated from other aircraft.
I really don’t know what to say to you. I don’t know why you keep bringing up R-60M’s. No where in my original post to I reference them.
You are saying my post is a complaint about BR in sim and the PL-5B. Did I complain a single time about the PL-5b? No, I literally didn’t even mention it. Nor did I ever say the J-8b should go up to 12.0 in all game modes?? Where are you reading this? Where I am I demanding anything?
In sim battles all-aspects IR missiles are great. Regardless if they have IRCCM or not.
I will reiterate my original post: historically the J-8B carries the PL-5c and PL-8s which are all-aspect. There is no reason they should not be added in the game when there are plenty of other aircraft at the same BR in sim with all-aspect IR missiles
That’s cause I respond to all relevant points made prior to my reply.
You mentioning R-60Ms:
You did both, right here:
By demanding PL-5C or PL-8, that is demanding a BR increase in all game modes as that is the consequence of adding those missiles.
And you did it in the same post you asked those questions.
Indirect demands.
An example would be demanding DM33 for Leoaprd 2A4 knowing it would need to move to 11.0 afterward. I would be demanding a BR increase by demanding a weapon lethality increase.
F-1C is under-BR’d in simulator irrelevant of your issues with J-8B being over-BR’d.
I understand your issues with J-8B in simulator, and I’ve offered my solution of BR separation.
Increasing its overall lethality isn’t the solution to me, I like playing the J-8B in air RB, as much as its BR in sim causes me to avoid it.
interms of flare resistance the PL5B is better than r60m the pl5 usally doesnt run off after one flare R60 is also shorter range i wouldnt say there equivlants exactly pl5 is more like a magic 1 if anything, i also belive R60 M has a locking circle but i dont rember that well
“lemme get this straight”
pl5b is better overall missile but r60m is better at short 1km and lower?
and in terms of flare resistance the pl5b is overall better but for some reason
r60m under 1.2km can relock or ignore flares unless you you flare with large calliper flares and flare a decent amount but small calliper you literally cooked r60m iss weird missile when it comes to flare resistances if im being 100% yes, we all laugh at at it but get dunked by it at the same time
“i think we can all relate being nuked in head on by r60m”