No point of adding to this discussion anymore, as its over a year old and the J-7D is now the most OP top tier premium-
it is not, f-4s phantom and mirage are top premiums planes… J-7D is just in good place now, but OP, common dont be redicilous.
I consider rank 7 premiums to be top tier. And it is blatantly OP, go ask someone with more experience (not me).
I have them almost all and when you compare them with planes in same rank they are garbage, worst planes ever… but off all that garbage
F-4s and Mirage are the best one at least you can grind consistantly
But J-7D…common be real
Any player who thinks the J-7D should have the same BR as the MiG-21MF/SMT must have smoked something badly.
Did you ask someone with more experience? The J-7D is busted.
easiest plane to kill…for me. but I can guarantee you there is no OP premium vehicle in game.
As one of player who spammed J-7D since when it comes, I can conferm current J-7D is cracked.
Makes sense as most J-7D players are lobotomized
XP-50 for one.
Common my man…LOL
Also Do 335 B-2, MiG-15bis ISH, J-7D, etc :p
If you don’t believe the XP-50 is OP, then I don’t know what to tell you. You might not even play the game.
Ayoo how can you forgot J35XS LOL
I dont. And about playing the game, common stay on topic dont embarrass yourself.
I don’t bring usually bring up stats because i’m not a star player myself, but your stats really just prove why you don’t think any of the vehicles mentioned were “OP”.
again your opinion and I rspect it, still its laughable you think premium vehicles are OP… but think what you want Im not here to convert you my man…
Im just saying my opinion and you cant handle it or live with it… Like just accept it and move on
Infact, we should listen to nestlekitkat, he’s multiple times better than the both of us.
Oh and one more thing, your bio is “wasting your time”, and that’s exactly what you’re doing. You aren’t serious, you’re just here to troll.
You should probabbly do that if you find stas in this game that relevant, good for you but Im good off that.
My man if you put this much time and passion into game you would not be here hurt by my opinion
Im sorry but premium planes are worst planes in game
bro didn’t even read “etc”.
I would say J35XS is also good but, as long as J-7D is currently OP, J35XS is not huge issues.
Even the flight model is just ridiculous that they are all the same BR when the J-7D is literally better than the MiG-21MF/SMT.