It's time for Gaijin to finally fix the Challenger 2 instead of carrying all it's issues over into each new tank

You know, the moment premium comes is the best moment to scream at things. You say that fixing this or that will increase sales and boom, magic. And it is not a pure WT situation. It works like that all around.

Let’s hope they don’t ONLY fix the OES, even with bugs that effect just the TES and OES

I hope they fix ALL of them

“Current win rates in the challenger series of tanks is around where we want at the moment…”

We live in hope.


Concerning most are armor reports, which are treated as suggestions by Gaijin, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

And passed to the developers back in 2017, with the introduction of Rank VI.



I need to thank YOU Gunjob for all the excellent work you’ve done as well! As a quasi Brit main it’s much appreciated! :)


…Proceeds to nerf the challengers 😂


Leopard 2A7V moment


Well, if only there was something to nerf. Unless w turn Crs into Arietes


Now jokes aside…

Imagine if they reinforce Challenger’s armor, fix their mobility, L27A1 is buffed to M338 levels and increase its suevivsbility…

It would be so beautiful!

Also- THE ACCELERATION ENGINE SOUND! Why does it sound like a Chieftain still, aaaa


That would make UK one of the most competetive nations, due to having 6 top tier MBTs. 4 of them would be able to decantly quick go to hulldown positions and take care of enemies from that position, while other 2 would be a moving sheilds. Would be nice.


I’m pretty sure they can fix it hell maybe even right now but they just won’t do it

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Thats simple, Because


Now that would make me laugh. Kept giving us the same dog shit mbt to make us shut up about it then when they finally fox it they also proceed to make us an extremely good nation due to how many decent mbts we have. A man can dream.

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Honestly, if they fix all Challenger 2s and 3 (P), I would even prefer to grind 3 (P) and play UK rather than Germany, let alone U.S, hahahah

Use 3 (P) while you still can, it will change its name, probably to 3(TD), that is why i dropped the p in my recent posts

I see!

Well, any name is fine by me, hahah.

I used to say M1IP, then IPM1… I adapt, survive and overcome xD

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Even just 1/4 of the bug reports and CR2 would be quite competitive.


Did i die ?? or am i dreaming ?? is the chally 2s 6 mile long list of issues actually going to be fixed ? or am i gunna just continue playing other nations patiently waiting for nothing to happen.