It's common Sense how to fix BR balancing it's not that hard and I don't code

As you may know they’ve been struggling to be our balance just about everything and haven’t fixed it and a couple years now I don’t know why this is such a hard task for them to do but if they were just go back to the principals to the dragon 3 engine and check out how they did it there they could reset the section of be our balancing which wood primarily give you an option to fix it now the issue is is that if you’re playing let’s say a 4.0 you will most likely buy higher than 89% get up to your to 5.0 which at that point you may have these slimmest of chances of winning but the slimmest is one to 1.2 k which is near nine because of how most people tend to act against their own teammates resulting in you losing the match almost indefinitely or for what I’ve seen for the last 6 years and I have seen from my friends accountants of nearly 49 for their last three plus to 7 plus years I have the simplest solution to fix it reserve to 1.7 2.0 to 2.7 3.0 to 3.7 4.0 to 4.7 and so on and so forth there is no reason why a single digit BR should be going above its main BR bracket like a 2.0 meeting a 3.0 it is not logical and ruins the gameplay it is not fun for most people who play as they will just get destroyed within a couple minutes within the gameplay I’ve experienced this long enough even despite single digit gameplay I managed some kills but the kills I get are only at aircraft or tanks or boats that are at my br 0.3 to 7 higher or lower I have almost never managed to get a kill of tanks higher unless taking advantage of from the side or behind which very rarely happens even to that sometimes I can get a frontal but that’s only due to a round of a particular tank that may not be at that br but if gaijin entertainment manages to see this I humbly thank you for trying to fix BR management I hope this finds you well and helps you all out a lot because remember now most things are just easy to think of with a simple little break and view management from others, sincerely legendwarsthe.

nah, not reading all that

(side note, F O R M A T T I N G)


I ran this through AI to make it much easier to read.

As you may know, they’ve been struggling to balance just about everything for a couple of years now. I don’t understand why this task is so challenging for them, but if they were to revert to the principles of the Dragon 3 engine and study how it was done there, they could reset the section on BR balancing. This would primarily give them an option to fix the issue.

The current problem is that if you’re playing at a 4.0 BR, you will most likely encounter players with a BR higher than 89%, getting up to a 5.0. At that point, you might have the slimmest of chances to win, but these chances are roughly 1 to 1.2k, which is nearly impossible due to how most players tend to act against their own teammates, often resulting in a lost match. From what I’ve seen over the last six years and from my friends’ accounts over the past three to seven years, I have the simplest solution to fix it: reserve BRs should be from 1.7 to 2.0, then 2.0 to 2.7, 3.0 to 3.7, 4.0 to 4.7, and so on. There’s no reason why a single-digit BR should be matched against a much higher one, like a 2.0 meeting a 3.0. This is not logical and ruins gameplay, making it not fun for most players who are likely to get destroyed within a couple of minutes.

I’ve experienced this long enough; even in single-digit gameplay, I’ve managed some kills, but these are only against aircraft, tanks, or boats that are within my BR or 0.3 to 0.7 higher or lower. I have almost never managed to kill higher-BR tanks unless I take advantage of their sides or rear, which happens very rarely. Sometimes, I can get a frontal kill, but that’s only due to a particular round of a tank that might not match that BR.

If Gaijin Entertainment sees this message, I humbly thank you for attempting to fix BR management. I hope this feedback finds you well and helps significantly. Remember, most solutions are easy to think of with just a simple break and a different view on management from others.

Sincerely, legendwarsthe


To save everyone else the pain of reading through that gibberish, OP is basically saying:

Reduce matchmaker range to 0.7 BR instead of 1.0 BR.

Which has been talked to death on the forums, and community consensus seems to be “it might work fine in the interim but why don’t we just decompress the BRs”.

The accurate statement is 0.7 requires ALL the work of decompression then extra work to compress the matchmaker, and you end up compressing vehicles as well to keep most of the already well balanced vehicles well balanced.

Creating like 13x more perma down/uptiers is probably the opposite of fixing brs.

They don’t know how to properly decompress, they do it in such a minimal amount that it only helps the exact br that the decompression started, anything before or after this line stays exactly the same


Let’s face it the game has become trash, I don’t think it will ever get any better! Gajn is only chasing the all mighty “cough cough” ruble!

Imho you assume that the system would be broken, otherwise you would not ask for a fix.

A few things to think about:

  • From my pov the majority of players simply don’t get the idea that this system is fully intended to work like right now.

  • I mean there are a lot of examples that gaijin’s claim “vehicles have a realistic fighting chance in a full uptier against a vehicle in the same class” is nothing more than a fairy tale. Just ask a S-199 Sakeen (3.3) pilot regarding his fighting chances vs a Yak-3 (4.3).

  • I see often player requests like “in order to have a fair and balanced game play” in these discussions.

  • But they simply forget that gaijin has a completely different understanding of “fair & balanced” as the look on the game with a completely different approach.

  • The sole purpose of up- and downtiers steered by the MM is to keep players in the “flow channel” whilst creating an artificial demand for premium products in order to overcome fully intended obstacles - quite simple.

  • It is actually proven and well researched that the right mix of success and drawbacks increases the player commitment. The main goal of game developers is to keep the player in the flow zone.

  • So implementing artificial success and drawbacks makes sense, especially for f2p games: If the player is too good he might get too early to his personal goal and might not be encouraged to spend (further) money, same the other way around.

  • As wt has a strong grinding aspect combined with a high number of players, whilst the game play itself is far away from being rocket science - balancing players and their progress by own team & enemy team composition and up- or downtiers via certain “features” within the MM is basically the only way to keep players in the flow zone.

  • That this system has some major flaws is obvious. This whole compression and de-compression bla-bla is absolutely pointless. Gaijin knows exactly what they are doing - they have simply other goals than players.

Don’t get me wrong, i would be happy to see a reduction from 1.0 to 0.7 - but i am realist enough to accept that this won’t happen.

Have a good one!

maybe its just me but gaijin shouldnt “balance” vehicle base on winrate all the time which is what they do all the time