It's beyond time for the Fuji T-1

Okay. It’s been talked about to death. Yes it only has one .50 cal MG. But it has two hardpoints. Gunpods are a thing. It can carry sidewinders. It can also carry bombs and other ordnance.

There are several models differentiated by various engines. At a minimum the game could add the least powerful version: The T-1B (According to Wikipedia, a pro is more than welcome to correct me) with a 11.77 kN (2,645 lbf) thrust Ishikawajima-Harima J3. To a T-1A (again Wikipedia) with a 17.79 kN (4,000 lbf) thrust Bristol Siddeley Orpheus Mk 805.

We have the Strikemaster in game with absolute crap guns. We have jet bombers that have NO guns. Give it attacker spawn. It should come in around 8.7 at best and here it could have AIM-9’s AND get attacker spawn like weak A-4s get.

It’s actually Japanese. No need for subtree. No need for Copy and Paste other planes.

ALTHOUGH I expect Japan to get the T-33A at some point. But they need the T-1 more.


honestly I wish the T-1B would be 7.7 just because Japan has nothing at that BR(no, the kikka just doesn’t cut it) and there is a more or less complete lineup that could go with it, I don’t care it only has 1 machinegun like you said as long as we can carry the 750lbs bombs, other nations have similar performing jets at that BR, why can’t Japan have that?

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I really hope the Thai tree does not mean Gaijin will not implement the Fuji T-1. They said the end of the R2Y2 is coming. I would expect some Fuji’s to come in addition to whatever Thai aircraft they throw in.

I think every Japanese main has been wishing for the Fuji T-1 for some time but I also know that the Fuji T-1 is going to earn the ire of some who insist that the absence of evidence is evidence enough that it never had weapons when succeeding programs proposed for the T-1 included “uparming” the plane.

Anyhow, I do think that the Fuji T-1 would be a very good partner to pair up in an update that will finally get us the Mitsubishi F-2. I dont even care if the T-1 becomes a premium just as long as its not hidden in an event bs.

The Thai subtree is essential though and its now paying dividends with its addition. Maybe we could have bit more props (especially late - post war) and the OA-37B Dragonfly which is what I was looking forward for in the Thai subtree.