Italy & Greece

What are your guys’ thoughts on Greece joining Italy? I ask this question because I want the Greek Tor-M1 in the Italian tree. It would act as a better system to the Romanian Osa-AKM and can theoretically rival the OTOMATIC.


I don’t see how that would make sense. Greece would be better off being a minor nation at that point.

I would rather a TT with Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus.


I’d argue that Hungary could be its own TT but its currently in the Italian tree

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I think Gaijin should make a new combined Greece and Turkey tree.

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quite a good idea! can’t wait to see both community hand in hand!


Yes, such a good idea! While you’re at it, put China and Taiwan together, too!


would be the most balanced tech tree in the game, they’d be constantly fighting to nerf the other side’s vehicles


Yeah, but that doesn’t me you should ruin a TT with another copy paste nation, please stop asking for sub-trees, all it does it ruins the chances even worse for nations to get their domestic equipment.

Idk, maybe

I personally like that idea