It is quite expensive to buy 1 set and then swap it for another and with no further orders lined up for export (other than Turkey but I wonder if you could even get the ECRS MK.0 into a T1 on a reasonable cost?), there would be nobody to sell them on to.
Strange for Italy to compromise on the radar.
T1 cannot use captor-e
its lacking like the structural support or smth. as in like its actually incapable of ever carrying that radar, unless you rebuild the whole structure of the aircraft at which point you might aswell just buy a new one lol
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Yeah I read that somewhere, but I wasn’t sure if that is conflicting with BAEs statement that it was technically feasible for them to bring a Tranche 1 Eurofighter up to Tranche 2 or 3 standard.
But as you said its best if they buy new, not only because its more cost effective but also to keep funding the aircrafts future development with P4E and onwards.
the RAF is in a very rough spot rn
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The Eurofighter website says AMK is expected to be included in P4E (though not confirmed yet). The UK has also apparently already funded P4E.
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as i said, EF website in regards to P4E is an advertisement of whats possible.
the result of the SD phase will show us whats actually going to be done. the contract for it was started earlier this year (thats your UK funding but also DE, IT and ES)
The entire British military is.
@Rileyy3437 to be fair, that describes the current state of most european militaries
cough ill thought out brexit cough
thought I was the only one hearing about that, is there any reason why it crashed?
reminds me of the F-35 going berserk and crash
it happens.
we’re at 9 crashes of serial production aircraft out of like 550 or so produced. only 5 ejections though
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Can somebody confirm that this is a Eurofighter its kinda hard to tell, if it is then this might be the only photo of it carrying a missile in its inner pylon (sorry if this is a bit random)
which pylon do you mean wither inner one?

to the right seems llike a fuel tank, so i think its pretty much normal and known that missle can be used in it.
If you mean the inner fuel pylon yeah it was always thought as possible to equip them there
but either way its propably not enough proof specialy because u dont see enough
I see, sorry for the confusion then
It looks like an F-4 Phantom