Issues with the JAS 39 Gripen flight model

I think the answer is pretty obvious. You can look at past discussions on the Gripen and see it is constantly the same people insisting that any change to the flight model was a bridge too far for them. You can see the immediate reaction to my first reply to this thread where they mass-reported it in order to hide it and the information presented.

No joke…they actually mass-reported my other thread in order to hide the first post. This is a thread that nobody has replied to for a hot minute.


It’s also reached the point that they are also replying to posts in the sim forum…about a game mode that they do not even play. And there is also more than 1 account like the RazerVon guy who are obvious sock puppet accounts with the bare minimum amount of games played just to create a forum account.


If that’s so, prove it.

Or maybe realise that you are helping to promote the toxic environment by heavily implying alt accounting (

Or slamming people’s stats and dismissing their right to any sort of opinion on the forums based on their time in game. maybe it’s someone who does have another account but doesn’t use (it’s a console linked account, lost the password, etc) and is simply returning to the game. It is not impossible there is a more innocent explanation.

that’s from one single thread. I haven’t touched the old Gripen thread because that turned into a cesspit, from whichever corner of the debate you come from.

But getting people’s stats, and slagging them for it mercilessly to prove a point is unproductive and toxic.

You are, more likely, probably getting reported for your very aggressive and condescending tone in every single post, where someone disagrees with your points, and “evidences” this.
Before you decry my “bias”, yes, I am aware there are others who have questionable backgrounds, takes and have said questionable things. I am not denying that. I myself somewhat look back on the other Gripen thread and feel I probably said things I should not have.

But my overall point is being overly aggressive in your opinions and proliferation in those opinions, while it’s okay to be passionate, it is not okay to decry “mass-reporting” when you cannot prove that it is based on your opinion as opposed to people thinking your tone is unsuitable to the forum.

Don’t, for everyone’s sakes, make the mistake of bringing that into the Gripen thread for a second time.


It’s currently 2.9km should be 14.45km

11km is the current rear-aspect lock range. Which should also be higher


No, it’s 11km. I tested it against both Su-7 AI as well as Mig-29 player, and F-16 player.
Fire range is 10km likely a game limitation.

I have never gotten a front aspect lock, with Aim9Ms passed 3km. Usually it’s a hell of a lot lower than that. Sometimes not until the aircraft is practically passing by. Even with SEAM


I’ve never seen those kind of ranges. Do you have a clip?

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I’ve actually seen this, a good amount of @FeetPics posts disappear sometimes (because people reported it), and then it comes back after a while after some mod reviewed the report I would assume… I don’t know who is doing it, there are hundreds of views on this thread though so it might not be ideal to point fingers although he’s probably not entirely wrong in his suspicions, I reported once IIRC in the other thread a while ago because it was genuinely toxic/antagonistic, which I would with anyone but he’s definitely being targeted here. I’m not sure if it means he’s at risk of a ban or something like it though

I think bringing up stats is relevant when it comes to situations where someone who literally doesn’t play the game mode in question goes off about it, or if it’s the topic of a conversation but slagging people mercilessly is not good, fully agree on that one.


I don’t disagree there does seem to be a pattern of reporting him. However, the problem with being reported in itself is no one has any actual definitive answer on why he’s being reported. I don’t like that as much as the next person, then again I don’t like the change that means you can’t see hidden posts.

Second point I fundamentally don’t disagree but I do feel that people with small/low amounts of battles should still be considered, as more often than not there is a reason why that’s the case.

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I don’t have a clip at this time. I can probably get one later today against AI Su-7 again since the others require willing participants.
I’m busy for up to ~2 hours within the next 20 minutes though.

Please do not insult Firestarter or Mytho, they are both old users and now I’m obligated to flag your post as inappropriate for attacking the man.
Just cause RazerVon is posting troll stuff doesn’t mean everyone is.
Also have a screenshot of a public Discord:


If the post was flagged for the first time you can edit it after a few mins and after you edit it it goes back up.


I wasn’t even defending him i just said the SU27 is just fine

Well i scrolled up and see you say that same thing over and over so i responded

Actually mind clarifying, it was definitely about the Gripen thread right? Cause that’s actually really sad if someone thought death threats were acceptable…

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I’m not even sure how you even… how do you even argue for that. You could argue that change was actually a buff in some ways because you could actually turn without instantly G-LOCing your pilot…
In any case can’t justify death threats.
thanks for the context

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@SlowHandClap @Morvran

9L/M performance in front aspect AB target Su-7.



Well I’ve never had It lock on anyone front-aspect past around 2-3 kilometres, and I’ve shot a lot of 9M’s. Something is definitely wrong


My favorite match is when I locked and launched on a 9km F-15.
They were the last man on Spain, heading directly at me.
They didn’t see the launch so they got yeeted.

That’s nuts, I never seem to get locks from that distance. Do those AI put out abnormally high amounts of heat or something?

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The question would then be “who can test with Alvis” because I have not ever seen that range. Idk if that’s a radar thing, because I don’t tend to slave my 9Ms to radar (Gripen and Harrier GR.7 things) but yikes

Not radar, I used to slave 9M to TWS