Issues with the JAS 39 Gripen flight model

Su-7 AB pushes out less heat than F-15, 14, 16, Su-27…
The AB plume is large tho.

have you tried without radar slaving

The F-15 kill in-match was without radar slaving cause I didn’t want to give them any warning of where I was.
Radar slaving doesn’t do anything other than keep the seeker on point so I don’t have to deal with rudder shenanigans in testing.

AH ok

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Flares in the seeker head, seeker was in shutoff the whole time.

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He was pre flaring and it shut the seeker off.

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Even without them pre-flaring, i’ve had seeker not lock on in front aspect until the target is practically ramming into me. Ive never had a lock out ot 10km+ in front aspect

He has a radar lock though? In air RB if you have a radar lock slaving the 9M, it will be able to lock them despite how much they are pre-flaring. I don’t know if it works differently in sim though.

Shouldn’t make a difference, it will help keep the seeker centered on the aircraft but if there are flares in the FOV it will shutoff the seeker.

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It isn’t super relevant, there were multiple involved users. All of them were Swedish, but it was over the Gripen reports I initially made.

Problem was handled, haven’t received any threats on the forums since (but have on discord or other platforms).

The bigger issue was the doxxing that was happening, and sometimes is hinted towards. People referencing my job, unit, or location periodically. It has always been SWIFTLY handled by staff which I am grateful for.

As always, we need to remain productive in the discussion and in fixing discrepancies that are shown through sources. If people can’t do this without being respectful we just need to ignore them and notify staff. I’m not new to seeing this behavior. Staff has always quickly handled nonsense and toxic users, a select few have been pushing the line as of late though.


You guys were talking about finally finding enough relevant data but no one making a video and reporting it.

And no one seems to be making a report

I am ready to make the video/report

Can you give me instructions to create the report?

What do I need to show in the video?

What do I need to do with the aircraft?

Do I need the program called WTRTI?

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I noticed bots in those are usually much hotter than a regular aicraft for some reason.

Better try with a real pilot, those can be a bit misleading

If WTRTI is the external that gives you the FP data, I think Gaijin ruled that as inadmissable for use in bug reports because it can be manipulated.

I think Giovanex was putting one together to it might be worth asking him where he’s gotten to.

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to me that looks like one of the EC maps. Su-7 is an AI attacker on EC map rotations, so it would make sense.

I’m just guessing however.

Not that it can be manipulated, after all, anyone can download it and check.

The issue is that it uses “datamined” values, which Gaijin don’t accept for bug reports because according to them it may not reflect how things actually are in game.

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We’ve been asked to wait and see what comes of some changes mentioned on my sustained turn rate report by a tech mod before @Giovanex05 forwards a new report.


No, it doesn’t. It just uses values from localhost iirc and presents them as an overlay. I just keep both WTRTI and localhost open on the screen for my reports and that is sufficient.

Just reply in those threads instead of apologizing here.

Not for any values that rely on mass (and mass itself)

Aircraft mass is shown in localhost, additionally you can adjust it to a very specific fuel mass fraction already in dev commands page of localhost.