Issues with the JAS 39 Gripen flight model

i don’t need a reply but i do like the discussion and i am learning from it. so its up to you if you feel like you get something out of the discussion or not :)

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Well, it’s nice to somewhat have a conclusion to this. Let’s see what the devs make of it. Giovanex seem to be on the cusp of having a report ready if devs actually just lower sustained by 0.7


oh i ment in DM’s :)

I have no idea which friend you are talking about? Yes i am swedish but if you chevk my stats you can see that the soviet tree is my most favourite tree.

Another one of these, lovely, I’m going to go ahead and say no, again. Is its flight performance Gimped asf already, a bit, because it’s supermanuverable in real life. Its flight performance is like giving a bodybuilder a two pound weight, it’s extremely powerful, and can be thrown around like nothing. When your canards are 2/3’s the size of your wing, they amount of air your displacing is so high it just makes it, well, super maneuverable, plus you have the delta wing design, compared to a single, low mounted wing, or as I’ve seen some compare it to an F-16’s performance, a mid mounted wing. Knowing my luck though, your just going to say “oh your a Sweden main, you don’t want your precious top fighter dethroned!”

Edit: Imagine flagging this, whoever did this, I truly dgas, but if you’re gonna do this and not ever even say anything, why do you even do it. If your gonna ride the sped sled and do this, at least do it to my face like a man.

Yes, without fly by wire delta canards configuration wouldn’t be able to work in the same way. The video @SlowHandClap found before explains the way canards work (and how they would work in a stable design without fbw) in a simple way.

While that’s how they feel, what is happening is more like: “delta wings produce less lift at the same angle of attack, but can pull more AoA and get the same or more lift with higher drag”.

That happens because delta wings are basically giving you more surface area for the same wingspan (which has many benefits like lower non induced drag, better ability to support high loads and less compression (aka better high speed pull), but the price for this is that the flow on top of the wing has less energy which in turns makes it easier for the airflow below the wing to “escape from below and get to the top”, which decreases lift.

Canards work against this phenomenon.


Hopefully it means the Gripen is finally going to get its radar modelled properly too.

Kinda doubt it to be honest. This thread is only three days old, and the flight models for the F-15, Gripen, and Su-27 all felt extremely rushed for the last update. They will have been aware they need tweaking, just needed to rush out another update first.


Gunjob is looking into that i think


Just finished the report, cheers for the SAAB presentation that confirms the link with Blue Vixen.



ooohhh that sounds very interesting, any chance for a link?

properly not i bet its internal

i ment the SAAB presentation :)

ill DM

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Is AIM-9M’s 11km lock range in the front aspect against AB targets incorrect?

Guys i think JAS39A has problem with Mavericks.

On test flight Mavericks works perfectly fine with targeting pod but in game it refuses to lock onto target until 2-3km.

Can anyone also check to see if there is problem?

i can’t check the A but ill check the C

had no issues in the test drive with the targeting pod

İ also have no issue at test drive but in ground rb it doesnt until you get around 3kms.

i haven’t noticed that as i don’t use my Gripen for CAS and if i do i don’t use the Mavericks as they ain’t that good

Super, more accurate and succinct. thanks

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