Is Warthunder made to entertain players?

I have been playing this game for several years and as it gets more modern, the fun fades and it feels like work, especially when you are developing multiple 410,000 RP.


Hi Tubuannko,

Whenever you feel down and don’t wanna keep grinding forever, take a break!

It is better for you to play at whatever battle rating you are having fun, the biggest chunk of players isn’t at top tier, is between rank 2 and 4-5.

If you aren’t having fun at top tier why play it? If you enjoy the game, enjoy it the way you want not the way you think you should!


Thanks for the advice, actually yes…
my favorite BR is the 6.3 because the various vehicles are very unique.


Keep it there and explore the game in your own way, all of us see war thunder differently!

Good luck in your journey and if you ever need someone to play with, you know my username :)


I mean yea, wouldnt be a good business model to make a game that isn’t fun, that’s how we get a game like concord.

Instead of concentrating on the grind stick to where you enjoy, for me its 6.7-8.0 britain ground and late props and high tier jets for air, I outright don’t play anywhere else

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No, maybe in the very beginning when it started there was an entertainment aspect to the game, but that was soon eliminated to decrease the rate of progress and to increase the frustration and misery.
As for entertaining it is too shallow and basic with just repetition of the same tired formula over and over again, it becomes very stale very quickly.
I think in terms of enjoyment, entertainment, engagement and bringing about a sense of achievement and well being mentally it is very poor, if anything it is quite a negative experience. It leads to frustration, annoyance and maybe even anger not a good look for something that is supposed to entertain and make your leisure time enjoyable.


The grind does suck. But i’ve finally gotten to the point where I can just play the game and it is a really fun game (though certainly areas for improvement)

Unless you really really want a specific vehicle, then my suggestion is dont grind. Play the game instead. The spade bonuses from finishing vehicles is actually pretty good and you will grind faster in vehicles you find fun


lol Back in 2018, progress was slower than it is today outside prop rank 4.
Today all game modes you can easily get 55,000 RP per hour of productivity, upwards of 70,000 RP per hour with notable tactics.

The last time I got 80,000 RP per hour was when air RB maps were small, where I was able to get 80,000 RP per hour using Yak-28B.
Maps are too large to match that reward with Yak again.

I feel people are worried about vehicles they’re going for rather than enjoying the vehicles they currently have.
This is a game about appreciating what you have and getting new stuff as a bonus.
That mentality was common in 2019, and sadly less common today as people focus more on grinding than appreciating.

It’s made to milk you like a Gacha collector plain and simple. They have introduced more and more vehicles whilst the game modes and overall battle experience has actually declined from release or hasn’t improved much.

Want to play the modern cool vehicles? Lol tough, here is some cruddy old interwar tank.

Either pay or grind for a long time, and then realise the gameplay experience is awful at top tier, because they spent more time adding vehicles than better game-modes.

But you don’t realise that, so you grind/spend more thinking it will fix itself if you get even more vehicles.

Either you lose your money or your time. And this game has very addicting mechanics behind it which preys on your psychology.

In that case there are a diverse variety of features they could have added like in other games, but they didn’t. It’s hard to enjoy the same vehicles when you are playing in the same 1 or 2 similar modes all the time.

Including but not limited to: RB EC, Improved PVE, Global Collaborative Objectives, more flexible events as opposed to (you guessed it) grinding 45000 points for a new vehicle. Pretty ironic to say that vehicles are not the focus of the developers.

This latest update the developers spent time cooking was all about vehicles and some graphical improvements to make the vehicles look better.


You mean the same exact PVP game modes all other modern games have.
Any other game modes require new AI for PVE game modes, and AI overhauls take years, not year, years.
An AI overhaul is requires for RB EC as well.

“All this time”… which isn’t even 2 years.
It took DCS 3 years to overhaul their AI, and their AI has less vehicles to manage than War Thunder.

Learn about game development before speaking, so next time your posts don’t have blatant misinformation.

War Thunder live client still is missing some weapon systems that AI will have to be able to fire, and Gaijin needs to code them at least in their dev client to finish the AI overhaul, even if those weapons aren’t intended for the live client upon release.

Modern games suck. I don’t think I need to explain why as there are possible hundreds of YouTube videos talking about this. It’s not the example to follow.

I don’t doubt that, but we have zero information from the developers that this will ever happen so we can safely assume it’s not going to.

Hold up, I actually knew a lovely girl who is working towards a game development job and she told me a LOT about it. It’s the management who do not let the developers and artists shine through and unnecessarily stunt the game development.


When I started even as little 4 years ago the maps were much more open and free with better option.No red line rubbish ,no time outs.You could use all the vehicles such as SP guns (yag10,flak 88) You could hide and snipe or dive straight in ,the option was yours. You had hiding places. All gone now.

You had a vague idea of two teams back then, now it seems like its more like a museum run out or festival with no two tanks the same on either side except we also have floods of copy paste so you are as much likely to be against a similar tank as be along side one.
Copy paste killed the game to a degree and is getting worse it seems.
The Russian Stalinium issue is now something I believe in opposed to a few months ago when I dismissed it.I am not saying its political but firing four shots at a ruskie only to see them bounce is a thing now for sure.
None of the map changes are helping or the flood of late cold war tanks in WW2 areas.That is all at 7BR and below.I hate to imagine what top tier players make of the game now over the last 3 or 4 years.

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One company =/= all companies.
Blizzard Entertainment isn’t Gaijin and CDProjekt Red.

And yeah, Gaijin isn’t known for telling us what they’re working on. We will never know about even half of the features they’re working on, similar to Heatblur Simulations.

All game mode options for PVP are already in War Thunder [Domination/Conquest, and elimination/team death match].
All PVPVE and PVE game mode ideas require AI to operate all 4 categories of vehicles and all their weapons.

Maybe I did not bother with this genre of game until they added tanks. But back in the day old timer how much was there in the ’ top tree’. I expect you would have had fingers left after counting them, there were an awful lot less vehicles then there are now. I expect the grind was lightened a little because even Greedy Gaijin released that people would not bother and get pretty fed up with it all.

410k rp isnt that much in air tree, but its a lot in ground.

Maybe try playing othwr game modes, like sim or arcade (assuming you are realistic main like 90% of the community)

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Rewards have only buffed since 2014. I can’t remember much of my 2013 gameplay.

Foldering vehicles, up to doubling SL rewards, 40%+ buff to RP rewards.
Top BR for RP requirements was always ~400,000.
Needless to say IS-4M doesn’t cost 400,000 RP to get anymore.