They said the US gets old ammo whilst other nations get new ammo. I said they’re wrong. What is so hard to understand?
are you thinking im disagreeing with you? go back and read the first comment i replied to you. its further showing other nations are using old rounds as well.
You’re the one who called it cherry picking, and yet, here you are
yes you said its not relevant information, where in reality it is very relevant isnt it.
backing up your claim with more rounds that are old and still used in game xD or do you only want to mention the leclerc?.
ZTZ-99A, who’s round has been proven and proven again to be MASSIVELY underperforming, and yet DTC-10 still sucks and is one of the worst top tier rounds in the entire game, making the Abrams look like lolpen. How’s that?
While i recognise the sarcasm in it, genuinely imparted more knowledge to me with the chinese ammunition, so thank you.
and yes it further drives the nail home!
Its mostly just that’s how I talk really
But seriously DTC-10 needs a fix it’s atrocious
Far more than Abrams shell currently
Abrams as most sensible people agree is now in a very nice spot, no it isnt meta, but it is a solid tank.
Im 80k rp away from teh ZTZ99 II and have the MBT2000 so yeah a round upgrade would be more than welcome for those tanks ( and there correct reload rate too which im sure was accepted)
Personally I think the Abrams is one of the better tanks
Leopard 2s are generally a bit better and T-80BVM might be one of the better (I think Leo 2A7HU is better than it) so Abrams would only need a fix after Leclerc (My personal favorite), Challenger 2, Ariete (It just has sad armor) ZTZ-99, and Merkava
the abrams is probably on par with teh BVM trades off the armour for the far better firepower, the major difference is as well there are 4 (5 if you buy the Click Bait) nearly identical abrams with the m829A2 round while only one BVM.
The abrams is certainly better than most of the roster I agree with you.
im raging I gotta get the vextra and the leo2a4NL before i can get my leclerc now, i had 200k in it before they dropped the 2A4NL ;-;
The CR2 in game is just flat out terrible genuinely It is just horrifyingly bad, all of the tanks you mentioned though do need some attention tbh
Only partially, sorry.
Agree to disagree
Win rate is determined by player skill all else being equal. All else is not equal due to bias, which is why the US win rates are in the gutter. Even if I steelman your point, it’s a complete joke. Just a couple of BRs make a massive difference in capabilities that player skill can’t overcome, e.g. anti-air range, apfsds vs solid shot, IRCCM vs none…
Minor nation winrate doesn’t mean anything when we don’t know exactly how the MM operates, i.e. which major the MM tends to pair them with.
Hypothetically if US was grossly overpowered then nations that tend to be paired with US, like Israel, would win more often, even if their vehicles and players were subpar.
You’re so close to understanding my point!
Better vehicles means people with less skill perform better
Worse vehicles means people with less skill perform worse
Better vehicles means people with more skill perform very well
Worse vehicles means people with more skill will find it harder to perform well, but not impossible.
There is no such thing as nation bias, only confirmation and monetary bias.
Either you’re moving the goalposts or you’re irrational.
That’s exactly why I said I shouldn’t have bothered.
I still stand by my original point entirely, you have yet to disprove it in any way other than saying “Nuh uh you’re wrong”.
Please describe how a team of M22s and P26s can get a 100% winrate vs a team of BVMs and Su34s
With the power of friendship maybe?
Sufficiently skilled M22s going up against BVMs can flank it, there is a line along the upper part of the BVMs track easily penetrated by the M51B1 Shot. A well placed shot or series of shots can knock out the autoloader and cause the ammunition to explode.
P-26s using terrain cover can sneak up on Su-34s, the P-26 will easily defeat the Su-34 in a dogfight. Although the Su-34 has re-enforced wing roots the rudder and elevators can be taken out by repetitive 7 mm AP shots. Cockpit shots can also take out pilots rather quickly, although that is more risky.
Is that descriptive enough for you?