Is this Real?(Object 292)

"The tank was well-armored, the protection levels of the turret were analogical to the T-80U MBT with the ERA kit being upgradeable from the usual Kontakt-5 to Malakhit (a precursor to the current Relikt system). The tank was to be fitted with two active protection systems:

Shtora-1M soft-kill APS (connected to new 3D17 Purga-2 or 3D17M Purga-2M smoke grenades instead of the usual 902B Tucha system)
Drozd-2 hard-kill APS

The status of the tank was monitored by a new control system called Barsuk-2.

The armament consisted mainly of the abovementioned 152mm 2A73 cannon (factory designation LP-83). The gun would be automatically loaded from a large carousel beneath the turret and a bustle-mounted charge storage (with blow-out panels). The vehicle carried 30 two-piece rounds, 16 of which were ready in the autoloader magazine. The gun fired the following shells:

Grifel-1 APFSDS with Tungsten core
Grifel-2 APFSDS with Depleted Uranium core
Grifel-3 HE-FRAG
Zaraysk APFSDS (the name also belongs to the research project of the LP-83 gun, performance unknown)
Sprinter ATGM with a tandem HEAT warhead

The weapon was controlled by the 1A45M FCS featuring the DVE-BS wind sensor, 1G46M optics and either the older Buran-M night sights or the Agava-2T thermal imager. The commander had T01-K04 Agat-M optics at his disposal" IS THIS REAL??объект_292_would_have_been_if_development/

Alright it’s fake sadly