Is there bias in matchmaking?

I’ve recently been grinding through the British ground tree and I’ve noticed the frequency of uptiers is significantly higher than with other nations. I don’t have any hard numbers, but specifically at 6.7, 7.7 and 8.7, Britain has a huge chance to be uptiered, much more so than any other nation I’ve played (I have 5 other nations at this br or higher). Being uptiered frequently implies a large pool of players 1.0 above you. Hence why a 6.7 might get dragged up a lot. But then, why would the same thing occur when playing 7.7? Then again at 8.7? It makes no sense to me…

How can this be possible? I don’t understand how it’s mathematically possible in terms of odds for this to happen without some sort of bias in the matchmaker itself. Thoughts?


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Could you imagine if Treyarch or Activision made a biased video game that only had American equipment kicking ass of the Russians? But no, when you play a Triarc or Activision game, no matter if you’re an American or on the Russian side, there is no difference in the gameplay

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Confirmation bias is a commonality, because how else can you explain your struggles…

So many misidentify vehicles because they are looking for the ‘issue’ that they think is there.




It’s call: perception bias




You when you nonpen anything Russian (its clearly Russian bias and not skill issue):


Isn’t that like every CoD Modern Warfare game ever? lmao

The game is made by Europeans as a whole.
And the game’s strongest tech trees aren’t Soviet.

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Wouldn’t say there is bias in the matchmaking but there is definitively some hidden metrics taken into account to balance the matches via some sort of player score and the matchmaker will make games with somewhat balanced teams.

You will see more uptiers than anything because of the nature of the game where there is always 4 different br’s as you already know, though, I find the “full uptier” very much more often than any other metric, realistically you should usually be in the middle and sometimes fully downtiered and fully uptiered, but it happens very rarely.

This might be a by-product of the match balance, if player X is good at the game and the matchmaker tries to balance, it’s very possible that the game will put you at a handicapped position in the team via uptiers. That would also explain why when fully downtiered it seems like you encounter only very good players.

All of this is purely hypothetical and in no way verifiable but there are a lot of poeple that has this sentiment so I’m pretty sure some sort of balancer is at work in there.

That being said, I don’t believe in any BIAS in particular, especially regarding nations, I play a lot of nations and when you play with and against vehicles that you are used to you understand the strenghts and weaknesses of said vehicles and realizes that everything has some and can be dealt with.

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Sort of but not in the way you’re thinking. a lot of britains good lineups sit just below BRs with far better lineups from major nations or a OP premium for another nation.

the compressed battle ratings give unfair advantages to some BRs as they get fed downtiers much more often than others. 9.0-9.7 is always sucked into 10.0 and 10.7 matches because of the premium packs so 8.7 gets much more downtiers than normal which makes 7.7 hell even though britain has a solid 7.7 lineup (not so much anymore as the fox and scimitar were nerfed based on a bug report full of guesswork)

a lot of people sit at 7.0 and 7.3 to sealclub 6.7 german noobs so some 7.7s occasionally get pulled in if they are lucky

Power BRs are always going to be a thing its just an inherent flaw of the system but spreading BRs out further would soften the hardship of uptiering

If this is flagged, it mustn’t’ve been factual and is probably an insult…

But the truth hurts :)

Wouldnt surprise me if it came out that Gaijin was artificially nerfing Britain taht way. Every single match I do seems to always be an uptier (Britain main btw)

But I doubt it.

I think the bigger issue is that a lot of our vehicles are probably over BRed and we are massively punished by pure APDS. Which is massively nerfed. Meanwhile everyone else has APHE which is massively overperforming.

This means that, even equal tier matches, can quite often feel like huge uptiers in itself. Grinding through that range myself, It felt like a blackhole that had no end and just sucked. it took me months to finally get past it and into the better tanks starting with Cheiftains. Thats when I started to have fun again and didnt feel like the gamemode literally unplayable.

Doesn’t help that we also have basically no decent SPAA until 8.3 and the air support is pretty poor until the Canberras or Buc S1 at 8.3/8.7 respectively.

TLDR: 6.7-8.7 in Britain sucks.

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I don’t get downtiers no matters what nation I play.

60% of matches are uptiers.
20% are partial uptier
15% are partial downtiers
5% are downtier.

Hope this helps!

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“our” lol.

Conquerer is pretty darn good, I have what a 3.3~ kd in it?
The 6.7-8.7 lineup is pretty good and I don’t even have them all yet.

So I don’t really know who your kidding,

APDS works quite well as well.


Only if you consider 1-4 red players a large pool.

No bias, War Thunder is brutally indifferent to the player.

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APDS is pretty much a shadow of what it used to be. Post pen got nerfed to APCR like levels, makes Britain’s mid-range vehicles kinda rough to play nowadays.

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Yes, because when I drive around the corner in my T-72, get shot through the turret ring losing my breech, gunner and engine, than the guy that shot me sits 5m in front of me and slams round after round into the center of my UFP for the entire 45sec repair and then gets nuked it’s CLEARLY bias that he couldn’t even try to hit my LFP, driver hatch or back up 2 meters and shoot me through the side…This happens A LOT.
Also “Russian Bias” auto loaders:


It’s almost like adding a bunch of metal components around the ammunition protects it from spalling somewhat, but when I pointed that out in the thread about adding the auto loader models I got told that “Russia main shut up! you tank gets nerf LOL” (paraphrasing a little but that’s the gist of it).