Is there any way to get rid of the Christmas hangar?

I hoped I could get rid of it by changing my in-game “Holidays region” to “none”, but that didn’t work, and after that I’m all out of ideas.

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Why would you want to get rid of it?


Bro aint in a jolly mood ig


Some people don’t celebrate Christmas.

I don’t celebrate Christmas but I still appreciate the shed. You can download one otherwise


Im aware, but you spend naught 5% of your time in war thunder in the hanger, its not ugly or anything (if you think it is then i suppose i could get it) so it shouldnt be a huge issue

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K, that’s still not a reason.
Decorated trees and differently colored clothing doesn’t mean “Christmas” unless you give it that meaning.

When I stop celebrating Christmas I’ll still be setting up lights and decorated trees cause it’s neat.


Bio checks out

It is ugly, especially at night, and forced participation in Christian rituals has a millennia long history and is rather unwelcome, especially among religious groups who have their own holidays to celebrate.

Why do I need a reason to personally not want to participate in your holiday?

Why do the devs need to accommodate your preferences when you can go download a file to remove some trees and lights yourself?

Merry Christmas anyways!

This is pole-vaulting over mouse turds.

Why do the devs need to put development time into creating a completely new hangar to accommodate your preferences? You are not the default.

Chag chanukkah sameach

Funny, I didn’t ask them to make the hangar any which way, but yet, it has trees and lights.

Lo todah akhi.

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Imo the Halloween hangar is trash. What I do is just find a basic hangar from WT live. It should work the same for the Christmas hangar, although the Christmas themed music won’t stay.

It has Christian roots but most non religious or even some other religions still celebrate it, but i respect your opinion, if you have issue with it id suggest forwarding a suggestion in the suggestions tab.

happy grinding :)

strictly speaking does nobody forces you to play the game during Christmas Time with the Themed Hangar.
You could just wait until its gone or you install a User made Hangar for the time.
It was your decision to play it during Christmas.
Also you cant forbid them to create a Christmas Themed hangar for their game because they want to celebrate it, like the majority of the world.
You dont have to like it but atleast Tolerate the customs and festivals of other religious groups, like many of them would Tolerate your customs and festivals.

chag urim sameach and happy grinding :)


I’ll happily tolerate the Christmas hangar - on your computer. Don’t try getting clever with “well ackshually”, please, because you’re not succeeding. Nobody is trying to forbid them from creating a Christmas hangar, I would’ve just liked a toggleable option to opt-out. I’ve already started looking for a custom hangar.

I hope you enjoy your Christmas and happy grinding to you too.

Lights on a tree isn’t inherently Christmas.
Take away the meaning for yourself, simple as.

Just cause fictional characters in a fictional universe are doing something doesn’t mean you are.

Are you a mass murderer when watching Dexter? No, you’re not.
You’re not celebrating a holiday just cause there’s an alleged holiday in a video game.

I guess that most of the playerbase is from areas of the world, where Christmas is celebrated, even if it is just for the capitalist gift-festival and the good mood in the dark and cold winter season.

IMO they should not remove the festive hangar, or the easter hangar or the halloween hangar.

If anything, they could add an option to keep a neutral hangar for those who feel offended by another culture than their own.

We also had the Lunar New Year Hangar that nobody was offended by…

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