Well, title says it all, but I clarify some points. The premium spam is one of the reasons why the equation (US on your team = you lose) is true. another reason being that playing against soviet zerg rush with teammates that doesn’t cooperate is suboptimal to say the least. Idk, certain maps that I should avoid, anything… It’s just not fun when you’re the only person trying to stop a steamroller of 5x su-34 in the sky and so on and so forth.
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Play in a squad with a USSR teammate while you play Germany or vice versa
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I thought about that. But I do prefer to play alone after all. I don’t necessarily want to play with soviets, it’s just too easy this way. I just want US not being on my team.
Clickbaits ruined the US, but there are some good players left and the matchmaker doesn’t help at all placing US,Israel,Britain against the Top Three (Russia,Germany,Sweden)
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No, I wish there was too though.