Is there a reason why top tier Air SB is dead?

eh yea but it’s there

Decent HOTAS is about 150-200USD, that is marginal compared to decent PC.

Interesting take…

Should I consider mouse-aimers pay-to-win because they get AI assistance to fly their plane, where I don’t with my $800 in equipment?

If anyone’s interested ih now the VR +hotas and all the gear affects the gameplay, perhaps you should check on this video …

Nobody who has a computer doesn’t have a mouse, so no, nobody is paying extra to win. If mice were very expensive rare commodities, then it would have been “yes”

Right… So I guess I’m paying -to-lose. 🤣

in ARB probably yeah lol

We all compromise. There’s not always Sim matches available, so I also play RB.

The new player who wants to try out Sim, can compete just fine with the joystick emulations that this game offers. There are many mouse-joy users who do very well, even better than their fellow joystick users. But there’s a catch, it takes effort. Just like joystick users have to put in effort to learn how to use their equipment.

Even those of us with advanced equipment have disparities in what we have available to us. You don’t see us calling other Sim player pay-to-win. That would be making excuses for lack of effort. 🤷‍♂️

I mean that’s legitimately great that you have the politeness and sportsmanship to not call it out to them, but it IS still P2W, just factually.

I didn’t say games can’t be fun with P2W in them either, obviously I play WT myself despite this (I play ground, but crew skills for example are still obviously P2W).

It is a clear liability, though, and lessens the experience, even if not quite enough to make the game not worthwhile. If it can be avoided it should be. Even just in soft ways like making the matchmaker try to spread out people with better rigs on both teams

yes its called F-16 spam and no missile trail from it

You still get an alert diamond until the motor runs out at which point it’s just like any other missiles.

Not in SB, which is what this thread is on about.

ah sorry, missed that point.

This is what MAWS was designed for, but the counter argument for that is that it also takes away the incentive to scan your environment.

Yeah, and we have now seen MAWS added to the game, but only the F-111, missing from a few top tiers, like the Gr7.

But yeah, if you are in a situation in which you’ve had a Aim-9 fired at you, then being a 9L or 9M isnt going to change much. Though it is nice at the moment to be on the dominant side. Usually 1:3 vs soviets