I really dont know what im doing wrong here. My cannon never does damages and takes forever to reload. Its slow and massive and can be penned by a 50 cal.
FV4005 is just done very badly in WT.
Its slower than it should be and its limited traverse is up for debate.
HESH shells don’t work very well or often at all with how they are done in game, they are the only tank ammunition to not have a close to realistic behaviour.
Your best bet is to target the same weakpoints you would strike with a normal HE shell from a SPG, or with FV4005 and centurion AVRE just shoot the lower part of the track to abuse the overpressure mechanic
as for the armour angle your turret and you can even block the worse 20mm guns at range.
You work best as a support tank rather than the spearhead of your team so try not be be the only guy around or the first in an advance
Yep…this is mostly true for many TDs in game…and AFAIK it is as “it should be”.
(TDs are usually slower, less mobile, less armoured and/or have higher reloads)
You usually get a bigger kill power than with tanks at same BR.
It is big and cumbersome to use and reload is slow…and you have to avoid being hit :)
The “never does damages” is the only part i dont really get…if the gun is hitting the target it should kill most stuff with first or second shot…
ANYHOW…it will never be a easy to use vehicle…think of it as a “problem solver”…you can kill most things on the battlefield…just have to hir FIRST.
I love this tank, but for example, I often go up against Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf Bs, and with the H variant I know to hit the turret cheek head on, but I also know its either going to one shot it, or do nothing. No in between and thats just how thenshell is
Assuming you mean Tiger (don’t recall a B version)…i think it is more a “Tiger issue”. Not sure if realistic or not…but Tigers do “absorb” lots of punishment…the effect that a hit can either do little damage or kill it outright happens with almost anything you throw at a Tiger…
I know that a T34 or M4 will die if hit with a good shell…but Tigers i am NEVER sure, even with big shells…this is also true when using FV4005.
The Royal Tiger. The regular Tiger 1 is easy to kill with the FV4005
FV4005 is just a trash tank. I’d say to use a different vehicle, and skip the FV4005 entirely.
FV4005 is like any other TD…a glass canon with slow movement/reload…good (not great) if you play to its strengths…a disaster if you don’t.
BTW…King Tiger survivability is similar to Tiger (each at its BR)…both often survive first penetrating hit…and even deflect some with luck. Both much easier to use than any TD :)
KT vs FV4005 is a good example…KT is better and easier to use as long as its gun (which is good) can destroy what it is fighting. FV is only worth it in the rare cases where the target is tough enough to withstand the KT gun (usually requires an uptier).
I know KT is higher in BR, but same reasoning applies to any tank with a good gun…including any tiger.
Kind of false. There are TD’s like the Jagdtiger which are definitely not glass cannons, and the FV4005 has zero strengths compared to what you get. You’re much better off using any other TD at the BR.
Use it like its a howitzer aim at tracks, roofs and where the hull and turret meet.
It’s not, especially since the HESH just doesn’t work. The other day I charged straight at an FV4005 in a Panther D, and took 2 HESH shells to the upper front plate, losing only my machine gunner and no parts damaged. Each of those shots was over 20 seconds of reload and should have killed me. The FV4005 stood no chance, and whenever I see one I know it’s an easy kill, because of its huge size, limited mobility, and ridiculously inconsistent firepower (+ huge reload rate).
Something like the Jagdtiger or ISU-152 has a similar reload, but actually has armour, and actually does damage, at the cost of being slightly slower (the FV4005 is not fast) and having less turret traverse.
I take the M109A1 any day over the FV4005 in my UK 6.3 lineup, since it is better in every single possible way: mobility, size, firepower, reload rate, versatility, turret traverse, survivability, etc.
Yes…but that does not make what i said false…there are A LOT of TDs that are glass canons with a big gun on a vulnerable plataform…and THOSE were what i was talking about when saying “TDs”.
Then you have the armored versions (i usually call them SPGs), which the Jagdpanther is probably closer to the FV4005 in BR. I played Stugs and Jpz alongside Marders, Nashorn and others…if the BR is well done, the open top vulnerable ones have a BETTER GUN…
I have Tortoise on the same lineup as FV4005 and it is usual for Tortoise to be very tough…and FV4005 to have more kill power.
THAT SAID…i am NOT saying FV4005 is a good vehicle…i prefer Tortoise or JagdPanther for sure.
I am saying that FV4005 has the same “usage” as VULNERABLE TDs…hence the glassa canon…and if you played Marder, Achiles, M36 or any M109, gameplay is similar…although FV4005 is not one of the best.
TBH i dont have so many issues with FV4005 gun as it usually has good effect…BUT any gun fails on occasion…and those with longer reloads will be harder pressed by these fails. I stay back a lot on FV4005…and i play it mostly as the third wheel after Tortoise and Conway die…
(I dont usually like guns with long reloads…so not a fan of FV4005, never intended to seem otherwise(
Man I personally don’t like the fv4005 because its gun is inconsistent I’ve nailed commander hatches side of turrets and it just sometimes doesnt do anything I try to use it like HE but … HE can be weird. The best place to hit seems to be turret cheeks but sometimes it’ll do nothing at all.
There is zero way to counter how unreliable (and unrealistic) HESH shells are in this game
I really can’t comment on HESH realism…as i don’t know.
What i do know is that i don’t think the FV4005 gun to be more inconsistent that most other guns…particularly other brit guns.
When i fire at a target and hit a “vulnerable” spot i get “ricochet” or “non penetration” or “only damage” a lot with lots of different guns…Fv4005 is not in my memory (which has increasing faults with age) as particularly weak.
I have more “bad memories” from 2pdr and 6pdr guns…back in the day…
As a side note…non-HESH guns sometimes fail to penetrate even if fired with green sights…HESH guns will usually get red sights (as they dont really penetrate) but FV4005 will kill targets even with red sight.
TO BE CLEAR…i dont think FV4005 is a good vehicle…but i see it as just another glass canon…low armor, good-ish gun and slow reload. I use it as 3rd vehicle on a lineup…and there are far worse. As an EXAMPLE…Russian armored SPGs (i.e SU152) annoy me more as they also have slow reload and the added armor does not compensate the issues with aiming and mobility. TDs are often harder to use…
I can tell you that HESH is flat out wrong in every way. I’ve done bug reports using RARDE reports on it’s capabilities before and posess footage of the FV4005s 183mm gun shooting a tank. The wonky penetration in game overall is only a slight problem with the shell as the physical damage is next to non existent in comparison to it’s true punch, as well as normal spall a “scab” of plate should be breaking off the inside of the armour (roughly the diameter of the shell) and turning pretty much everything in it’s path into paste, unfortunately I’m away from my pc at the moment so can’t show the photos of what was left of a tiger 2 after being hit by a 165mm AVRE shell there wasn’t much left in one piece after a hit, not to mention the hole blown through it
Only because HESH is non functioning in game. If it was accurate I’m not joking it would likely be a 7.7 vehicle as it would be capable of blowing any tank in half, even modern mbts would likely have their hulls disfigured or cracked from a frontal hit
I have been taken out one shot by the thing at 6.7 recently .I was in one of those Italian Fiats. How I didn’t see the lumbering great beast I will never know.Its just a big sniper’s rifle.
If the plate it hits is sub 180mm, there should just be an enormous hole there, yet somehow I hit an M26’s UFP and only get the machine gunner…