Is the Ystervark viable to bring to 7.7?

I am making a 7.7 lineup for Britain. My first. And I am trying to figure out which SPAA to bring with me.

I tried the skink, and was not having much success with it, but then I tried the Bosvark and I got multiple aircraft kills every match. I love the accuracy and turret speed of it, but it is so slow and big.

The ystervark is the smaller version of it, but I am wondering if it is viable at all in 7.7. The gun calliber I noticed is smaller. Does that matter a lot? Can it even penetrate planes at that rank? I know nothing about these things.

i usually bring the bosvark since none of the spaa between 5.0-8.3 for britain are worth using as TD’s imo

why not try? you’re not going to lose anything. in addition it depends on the planes that you will encounter in front. Jet or not? good pilot or not?

Yeh it’ll work, it’s still a high velocity 20mm albeit only a single one. But you don’t have many other options. Some have suggested the fox can be used as an AA which I find a bit crazy but if it works, it works.

Penetration does not matter when it comes to planes because High Explosive (Yellow) shells/belts are always the BEST for anti air duties and AP (Red) only matters if you are going to engage ground targets too.

Another alternative is the M109A1 or G6 artillery with proxy fuze AA shells. Bear in mind that the M109 is much more mobile and agile than the G6 in every way but top speed. And also has a 50 cal as backup.