In close combat?
It can, but it’s the AL-41F-1S, and your not accounting for it being heavier possibly?
You know what else happened about 27 years ago? The MiG 1.44/42. Only cancelled production because each unit cost was too high as it was completed after the fall of the Soviet Union.
This is why the Su-57 is not stealth. there are too many cracks and holes from which the signal will be reflected again.
Considering it’s a dogfight, I’d say yes.
Wow, you gonna reflect virtually no waves from a 1/4 inch gap between the fuselage and intake 😒
Not like the F-35 has those on its surface.
The F-22 sacrificed its maneuverability for the sake of stealth. It was created in order to launch missiles at the enemy before the enemy notices it.
Well, the Soviet Union had a smaller military budget than the United States.
Congrats, all your missiles use TWS, which pings RWR giving a precise location of your plane, there goes your stealth out the window, not to forget you can notch the AIM-120 like it’s an early radar missile from a long range.
Soviet Union was also communist/socialist…
But the German Pilot said, he knows, in a real scenario, he wouldn’t even have the chance to get that close, coz the F-22 would have shot him down from 120km away…
hahaha a 120km shot on a EF Typhoon?
Good luck bro. Meteor can do it but AMRAAM? nope
also irl Fighter jets operate in tandem with AWACS and early warning radars. its a whole environment. good luck with stealth at any range closer than 50km. may you be russian or american. no stealth is impervious.
… the 120km was just a phrase for… The Raptor would have killed the Typhoon way before the Typhoon would have even noticed the Raptor…
Here is a more detailed explanation than I can do.
Raptor-Salad… I like :D
That’s why the Typhoon has Pirate…70 miles it would see the F-22 and could DL an Aim120
The most interesting thing to me was, that the thrust vectoring is not an advantage in a fight. It´s more a disadvantage. It makes the Raptor a slow and easy target… I think that is the same with all thrust vector fighters…
It´s like you have to pull the parking brake to go around a corner… Looks good, but makes you slow.
just not how it works my dude
typhoon isnt a vietnam era mig or phantom
typhoon can see. has a whole environment. defensive systems. you think a 1997 jet with no upgrades to it can really outmatch a modern jet with advanced avionics and radar and defense systems such as MAWS, DASS etc?
heck even the claimed radar band figures of the 57 would give the raptor a hard time in bvr especially since stealth is such narrow spectrum effective
Radar on F-22 built for LPI, very hard to detect and pinpoint by rwr
I’m sorry but this is the biggest EF cope I’ve read so far, humble yourself.
The F-22 can also see, and you’re acting if only the EF would get backed up by AWACS. Even if both sides has it, the EF is getting detected much further away than the F-22. And it’s not just about being detected. Russian low-frequenzy radars can detect stealth fighters from hundreds of km away, but they can’t do anything with that information other than saying that there’s something, somewhere flying in some direction in the sky. Even if the F-22 were to be detected, the stealth properties are going to make it A LOT harder for missiles to aquire an actual firing solution to it. Detection is only the first part in managing to shoot something down.
- Read what you write before posting, this is completely unreadable.
- I’m guessing you mean datalink, which the F-22 also has.
The F-22 can jam radars with it’s own and has an advanced RWR that can use the signals it detects to accurately track and launch at the source of the emitions.
It has gotten continous upgrades ever since they entered service. I get that you want to fanboy over your favourite jet, but to ignore all the upgrades the F-22 has gotten just to chest-thump your personal favourite is comical at best.
Wow, such advanced systems which date back decades, which also all happen to exist on the F-22. I’m very impressed.
Like I get that you like your favourite jet and want it to be the ultra-death machine that you believe it is, but for you to ignore everything about the F-22 except for stealth to make your jet seem superior is quite frankly something which needs to be studied.
At least the russians read up on the F-22 and present what it can do, even though they try to downplay it as much as possible whilst trying to present the SU-57 in as good of a light as possible. You’re just making shit up so it better suits your feelings.
I’m no F-22 fan myself, but jesus christ you need to get pulled back down to earth. Humble yourself.
The RAM maybe heavy. But by how much?.
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