Is the Israeli tank tech tree worth the grind?

I’ve finally unlocked the isreali tech tree but im debating if its even worth to grind it. Then again i’m rethinking myself if its worth it to even grind for top tier in this game since i hear that top tier is a little less fun than low tier.

in short no. Unless it has a vehicle you really want to play. Top tier isnt that fun since all the maps are based off of WW2 tank movent speed so you get the same maps with faster tanks that can shoot faster and aircraft that can kill you outside of AA range.


not really, its extremley barebones, you will only use four different tanks for the most part and will become very boring very fast


It depends on what nations you have already played. Most Israeli tanks are American based, so if you already grind USA the Israeli tech tree is not worth it. In other cases it’s only worth it if you want to experience Merkava gameplay.

When you mean you finally unlocked the “israeli tech tree” I assume you still don’t have any vehicles of top tier at all?

Things to keep in mind is, if your other leveled up nation is the US then leveling Israel alongside it just means you get more of the same in most scenarios (Magachs everywhere), the difference being their “unique” Merkavas. The Merkavas are cool tanks, not the best of their battle rating but solid vehicles if you know how to use them.

One good thing about Israel teams is that their players are generally better than the US teams due to the lack of premium vehicles, meaning there’s less “paid actors” going around, Israel has mostly the Ra’am Sagol and the US has a billion premium vehicles in different battle ratings.

About the top tier gameplay, top tier can be fun if you know what you’re doing and have a good team, just like any other battle rating. One of the biggest problems and that you will realize as you venture into top tier is that the higher you go in matches, the quicker the games tend to be, being the main reason for that players abandoning the match after dying one time, leaving their team vulnerable and to eventually succumb as the enemies will just swarm and encircle you giving you no breathing room or any chance at all to provide a come back. You’ll likely get some free kills, winning the game however is a different story.

If you want my opinion on the matter, just play whatever makes you happy.
Russia and Germany are two of the best go to nations as your first to top tier, if you were thinking US, then Israel is a good alternative although it doesn’t have as many vehicles as the US, at least your teammates are better.
I was a UK main till 10.7 and then I swapped to Japan and unlocked everything in there, so Japan is technically my first top tier nation.

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For a (more likely) unexperienced player - not really worth to be honest. Why you shouldn’t bother about it? There isn’t that much good vehicles on it’s own, huge gap between 9.3-11.3, in addition half of the TT are Magach’s in various modifications. Not to mention about late Merkava’s in game have a cardboard armor with no survivability at all. The ‘peak’ of TT when you get the most fun is 9.3-9.7 lineup with Merkava’s 1/2, Sabra Mk. I and A-4N Ayit. The further you go - the more annoying gameplay becomes.

Could be worth if Gaijin cared even a little bit more about it.

What are the chances of gaijin expanding the tech tree ? Slim to none ? After reading different posts on this it seems like the isreal tech tree is just doomed ?

I honestly grinded out the Israeli tech tree just for the most beautiful tank ever my baby Merkava Mk4M, the amor is plastic but atleast it’s good looking.

Competitive top tier tank, good Rank VI lineups and an undertiered 9.7 MBT.

It’s a good tree to grind if it’s your last. But as a relatively new player I would pick something else.

Here is what a typical top tier match looks like just over 4min in.

Sheesh i guess im not missing out on much

There was some suggestions to fill the gaps, but idk when it actually happens