Is the HSTV-L's maximum munition capacity really 26? or 32?

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Ever since I was in High School, and started becoming interested in tanks more & more. One of the vehicles that caught my eye was both the RDF/LT and HSTV-L. Not because of YouTubers, or any sort of obsession by people. I first found it weirdly enough while looking through Soviet air-deployed vehicles on pinterest… Ironic, I know, a lot of things have changed in terms of info since then.

Anyways, that’s aside the point. I know that one document about the Senate’s briefing on budget for many of the US projects says the HSTV-L’s ammo capacity tested, is 26. But that’s tested. Looking further into it, you can see the time it takes to unload the basket and the carousel. Minus the breech. And given, that’s probably why everyone claims it’s 26. Because loading and unloading it, that’s how it is.

However, given how the system works in question, which loads 6 munitions from the basket. I would think that it would be completely capable of uploading a extra 6 to the basket after the 6 is loaded.


Given in War Thunder you can load the full amount, in every stowage, from the start. I think this is a interesting topic point.


Do a bug report if you are confident with the information


32 would be very helpful, create a bug report!

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A certain someone would be happy for a change like this to occur, but I have no doubt in my mind gaijin will immediately shoot down a bug report if it’s related to this vehicle lmaooo.

I can see it now…


Gajin boutta say hell nah

they accepted my report on FRENCH ELC fairly quick, even implemented it instantly I’d say. This guy may have success

I’d be happy with just an ammo crate

Spookston argued it’s 26 due to the senate hearing saying they tested 26 rounds for rapid deployment. Though, I’d rather not talk about him here due to personal reasons. Whats tested vs max could be the same or very well be different. If they loaded the carousel without going through the basket first, then it could definitely be 26. But I believe they loaded the basket to 26, loaded 6 into the carousel, so 20 is in the basket now, so that also means an extra 6 in the basket itself.

I haven’t suggested it because I cannot confirm how they loaded it for the tests

It either needs more ammo or an ammo crate, 26 rounds while also wanting some proxy is suffering.

Someone just go visit it Irl lol