Is the British challenger tank irl really very good?

Yea 70 ton tanks are going to have to go. actual battlefields are closer to what they were in the first world war than a clear field in sailsbury. Drones are the most terrifying thing about war now. its not very pleasant being the same age as the victims of those weapons its quite an ghastly thought


I am certain they will and the UK as usual will bemoan closing all it’s development centers down an selling off all its secrets to the lowest foreign bidder.

I really dont know why we dont bite the Bullet and buy American or German.

Nationality is farce now anyway.Pains me to say it but truth is the truth.The M1 cab was always a nicer place to be anyway ,white, well lit and comfy. Chally One was like sitting in your own boiler cupboard for a week with a farting crew mate.


They just need to patch kamikaze drones to 750+SP, should fix the issue.

other than Ascalon the common theme at the last Eurosatory was strapping radars and airburst-fragmentation autocannons to anything that could move iirc

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Like they slapped a 30mm on the AbramsX, and operationally on the JLTV?


Is that why you guys were told to wear the hazmat suits during Op Granby?

  • none of the FCS are modeled in game which are one of the CR2s biggest strengths

The Challenger 2 in real life still lacks CITV and only has generation 1+ thermals for the gunner provided by the TOGS. I wouldn’t really say the FCS of the Challenger 2 is good by any means and this is coming from a British citizen (me).

In reality the Challenger 2 lags behind vehicles like the Leopard 2A7, constant budget cuts and restraints are the reason for this (and ignorance as well lol).


IRL? Id like it if we sold UK our best tanks, we make money, you get better capabilities.

Now, for war thunder purposes. Hell no

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You know that was the Iraqis biggest weapon and best move of the war? Getting us all to live and work in those F*****g suits in a desert was a master stroke.


As a fan of Jay Leno’s garage I can’t knock American engineering and the enthusiasm for it. I can’t fault America’s National pride either.


There are also countless videos of the Challenger 2 being destroyed and getting stuck in thick Ukrainian mud, the vehicle wasn’t built for those type of environments. Things like blowout panels and CITV are the standard which the Challenger 2 doesn’t have (and thankfully the Challenger 3 fixes most of these issues) - the biggest issue is by far mobility I’d argue.

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Did the CR1 even have an air conditioning unit to begin with? wearing those suits must have been a sauna of your own sweat I’m sorry you went through that

Yep, we have probably the fastest MBT ever made.

Early Abrams hit 70mph on the autobahn during cold war. Imagine getting passed by one of those

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I don’t think most tanks do, any AC is for systems like computers (Abrams)

The australian Abrams has a better AC unit because its heat was causing bush fires so I have to wonder if it also kept crews comfortable.
Seems like a mistake to not want your crew to be comfortable so they can operate at their fullest

Ah, but see, British tanks have the most important feature.

Tea making facilities




Any heat from the Abrams that could cause fires would be the exhaust no? Wouldn’t be interior AC

They really don’t care about crew comfort tbh, look at desert storm. We still slammed them though

well it cooled the thermal signature down so I don’t know if the aussies have done their crew well, Australian spitfires had AC tho

If Abrams crew were expected to, and did, perform in middle east desert heat, they can pull it off in Australia

I do hope they add crew AC to US and Australian Abrams though, it has to be absolutely brutal to be in there for hours in the desert training, let alone real combat

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The cr2 is designed with crew survivability as a main priority.

It is grossly misinterpreted in game as its armour is horrifically miss valued

It is also a highly accurate tank, but for engaging other tanks it falls short due to the 2 (3) piece ammunition which gives its apfsds lower penetratation values compared to say, modern leopard 2s and abrams.

The cr2 fire control system still very much is potent and lethal on the battlefied.
Its biggest issue is weight, mobility and non nato compatible Ammunition, as can been seen in Ukraine, however it is still phenomenal piece of kit and has served for nearly 2 decades with a good record.

But it is sorely needing upgraded hence the cr3 program.
Which overhauls alot , and has newer composites touted as the best in the world.
Time.will tell.

But the cr2 in warthunder is absolutely abysmal and is a genuine insult to the real life tank.