Is the British challenger tank irl really very good?

The cr2 is designed with crew survivability as a main priority.

It is grossly misinterpreted in game as its armour is horrifically miss valued

It is also a highly accurate tank, but for engaging other tanks it falls short due to the 2 (3) piece ammunition which gives its apfsds lower penetratation values compared to say, modern leopard 2s and abrams.

The cr2 fire control system still very much is potent and lethal on the battlefied.
Its biggest issue is weight, mobility and non nato compatible Ammunition, as can been seen in Ukraine, however it is still phenomenal piece of kit and has served for nearly 2 decades with a good record.

But it is sorely needing upgraded hence the cr3 program.
Which overhauls alot , and has newer composites touted as the best in the world.
Time.will tell.

But the cr2 in warthunder is absolutely abysmal and is a genuine insult to the real life tank.

i mean yeah, it has regenerative steering which means significantly better mobility, very good protection ( the TES package in game is Completely horseshit) it has ECW capabilities, very good FCS, and whilst lower than average firepower for nato very good nonetheless.

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it is

its not slow 1.6 mach supercruise with a full internal payload isnt slow, a f35 with the external pylons loaded is still a low observability aircraft. again completely wrong yet confident, and 6 amraams and 2 fox 2s isnt limited payload

m1.6 is the top speed lol

we have the F-22 around still for a reason

isnt 6 amraam+ 2 aim9 for the F-22 aswell?

youre right its mach 1.2 at supercruise i mixed the numbers up, could be i dont remember the max internal missile payload for f22 on the spot

current F-35 only carry 4 amraam internal, soon will be 6

6 + 2 is F-22 loadout

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Also the drivers hatch apparently. (not sure if its a myth but seen a lot of old talk about how it was doing internal decapitations on drivers when moving with the drivers head stuck out due to a locking flaw, due to being classified nothing got done about it for a very long time and multiple crew suffered serious injury/death)

Not heard that one but I suppose it could happen.If my memory serves me correctly(It doesn’t always) the Abrams driver hatch also swung forward and away as well no not just a Chally issue. Service inquiries fr the Britiah Army are available online sometimes post accident such as the Castlemartin incident.The driver actually survived an internal explosion due to being tucked down low but getting him out was the issue.

Getting soaked and muddy was a driver issue and oddly enough (talking NBC) the hatches often leaked water in deep wading.
There was no air con and it would not have mattered anyway with suits on.
Fortunately the Weapons of mass distraction issues was short.
Running closed down is nasty as any bit of breeze is welcome when it is hot especially commanders hatches etc. There are blowers for expelling gasses etc.All help.Cold was a bigger issue back then as I was a skinny racing snake back then : ) Cold at night remember.

Anyway the Chally for what it was worth was a very good tank surrounded by lots of very good allied tanks and the US Marines were excellent tank men from what I could see.

Anyway excuse my babble,I am starting to sound like a boring Walt or Uncle Albert from fools and horses : ) All war tales unrelated to the game anyway really.

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ngl mate its been refreshing to read what youve been saying.

Shows a more indepth veiw of the vehicle itself, and how it was used.

ive read through most of whats been said here like and gotta say, one thank you for your service, and two, thank you for imparting some well needed information on here.

So the Challanger 1s had no Air con? wasnt it based off of the shar 2 project for Iraq before the revolution? i thought they would of had AC.

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The Shar 2 was 70s tech so even earlier.So no, not to my knowledge.I might be wrong or it might be that the Brits didn’t get the option.It was a huge cost cutting exercise anyway as most things British and military often are.

I think air con didn’t come onto civvy armoured vehicles like cash carriers until the 90s in the UK I think and they were poor,heavy ,bulky and fragile. Plus they dump water everywhere.Dust and sand would be an issue.

I imagine times have changed and maybe tanks now have air con.They will certainly need them drone jamming equipment is taken on board although I imagine the crew are the weakest link there. If the strength of a tank is how well it protects its crew then a tank with no crew is a good option maybe.I imagine crew-less tanks are the future all things considered. To be controlled from above like a video game maybe.Best get practicing : )

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Good point about the AC showing up in civvy lives in the 90s.
Yeah budgets are always the killer, killed mbt80, TSR2 and many more projects.

Seeing the new cr3 is absolutely bonkers, new farham composite, total digital fcs that links up with not only other cr3s but command centers etc.
Its wild to think that only 30 odd years ago was a scramble to replace chieftain. (My all time favourite mbt)

One hopes it never has to be used in combat seriously but we never know how the world will go.
Thanks for sharing that information mate, appreciate it 😁

Also the chemical gear you guys used in cr1 youve said was horrible to operate in, but did it make you feel protected against chemicals and such?

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