Is the abrams really that bad realistically?

It’s quite evident that you’re showing my Arcade games, a gamemode I haven’t touched since 2016.
And at the same time, you’re only showing Britain and USSR, for some reason. Even though my main nation is China?

And, as you can see - I’ve reached the top rank there.
And I do considerably better than you, regardless.
As I said - it’s quite obvious that when you make these claims:

It is coming from the place of someone who has not put much thought into the game, or has ever advanced in his gameplay. You’ve done extremely poorly in all vehicles, Russian or otherwise - and it’s quite evident why you cannot comprehend that your argument about Russian “10.0” being the only one used effectively at top tier is completely null.

And also why you struggle to accept this simple retort:

I would advise you to get better at the game before making ANY claims on the forum.

You do realize it’s a team game, yes, winning is the goal k/d ratios and epeen doesn’t mean that much to me. Now…can you please drop your love/fixation on me and get back on the thread topic. I’m married.

Meh. Im not arguing for hate just genuinely want nations balanced.

And I would advise to take it easy and the Thread really needs to get back on topic


Do you want a gold sticker?

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Give credit where it’s due…a 1v2 or more is tough. But, Abrams is still tio easy to disable.

Any top sabot will pen straight through the center of the turret cheeck of abrams at about 40-45 degree offset from front. If done on right…facing tank it takes out 3 crew and breach. On left 2 crew and breach…even though it say pen possibly is low it does it every time. Have it happen fairly often in game and I can do it every time on protection analysis. Should that be a weak spot?

Quality no, but more forum freedom of speech. Things like gate speech are completely subjective. One can site facts that others see as hate.

It’s only good to get stuck on Ukranian mud or to get destroyed by some taliban or sand people with RPGs. The myth of the indestructible Abrams is done, paper tiger.

We have gone through this already, mate.

The M1 Abrams is vulnerable to the exact same things that will put a Strv 122, T-90M and CR2 on ice. No tank is invincible.

However, neither the Strv 122 nor the T-90M (prior to a certain three week special operation) has had any combat service.

Spoken like a military “analyst” who doesn’t know anything about the topic at hand. Next you’re going to tell us how all tanks are obsolete, right? After all, they’ve been knocked out, and a tank that can’t take hits is useless.


I don’t know if I’d count the Abrams being fielded against goat herders with barebones equipment while having absolute aerial superiority as “combat service”. The moment it was put in an actual combat scenario - it evaporated.

Well, considering it’s taken quite a few hits from itself and survived lol.

Yeah. Taking “a couple hits from itself” (are you actually going to cite propaganda stories?) doesn’t really seem like combat service to me.

Propaganda stories? It’s been well documented the friendly fire incidents from the first Gulf war.

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73 easting had no aerial support, as was covered the last time we did this.

The Iraqi republican guard were at least fairly well trained goat herders converted to a semi-professional fighting force.

This remains still more actual combat experience than the T-90M and Strv 122 had seen before this three week special operation.

Moreover, multiple friendly fire incidents prove the M1 is more than capable of taking hits. I’m sure you’ll spout some copium about “American HATO propaganda”, but the fact remains that the veterans who experienced their tank being hit by M829A1 and TOW-2 missiles and lived to remember the tale are not lying. The medical reports detailing their injuries are not propaganda, and the after action reports showing no penetration or serious internal damage are not lies.

Believe whatever truth you want, but don’t spread it if you know it’s a truth you manufactured by smelling snake oil vapors.


Provides a good summary of FF incidents with provided sources.

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This dude literally says in his bio China is the only nation that matters. I don’t think we have to guess who’s into propaganda lol.


Hes a known troll, ignore him and move on.


Known troll?
I suppose that not agreeing with the majority = trolling.

I don’t personally care if people don’t agree with me, but calling me a troll for stating my honest beliefs is pretty insulting.

If your belief is looking at sources of FF Incidents between Abrams shooting each other and flat out denying them, then there is nothing else to be said here.

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