Is that normal

The composite armor and composite screen is identical but the effectiveness is quite deferent

And even though the 122+ have extra composite armor it’s wight less and have much better top speed
Also did gaijin mistakenly didn’t take the mine proticton onto consideration when Thay searched about leopard 2a7 top speed

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Strv 122’s use a lightweight experimental composite, there’s your reason. The Strv 122 is also a 2A5, so it has the higher top speed compared to the 2A7.

But the 2a7 much slower and why is that
Like for example the m1a2 Abrams is 62 t
When the sep v2 is 66.1 both have the same top speed

What about the armor if it’s the 2a5 composite it supposed to be worse or similar at least

Why do you keep creating new topics about basically the same issues over and over instead of just using your old ones?


Strv 122B’s Chempro composition is totally different from the Leopard 2A7’s, and on top of that Gaijin also make it a bit more stronger that should have been.

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Why are you upset? I am doing my right
No, I haven’t talked about this before, this is a new topic

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2A7V is transmission limited, and no, the Strv 122’s composite is not all the same as the 2A5, they use an experimental lightweight composite.

Different gear ratios.

Massively underperforming*

Missing 500mm of CE protection @ 20 degree turret side.
Missing 27mm of CE protection @ 90 degree turret side.
Missing 140mm KE protection @ 30 degree turret front.
Missing 630mm CE protection @ 0 degree turret front.
Missing 270mm KE protection @ 30 degree turret front.
Missing 380mm CE protection @ 0 degree hull front.
Missing 500mm KE protection @ 17.5 degree hull side.
Missing 380mm CE protection @ 25 degree hull side.

Both have the same engine transmission

But not the same gear ratios.

If Gaijin actually took the raw data, like, the exact values, vehicles with cannons like the L/55/A1 would destroy entire teams by just point and clicking, because we all know that every armor and shell values are lowered for balance, but still at the moment Strv 122B+ is the best armored MBT at top tier.

Because of 1 ton wight deference look at the wight deference between m1a2 and sep v2
And both have the same top speed

Not true, some vehicles match available sources, some exceed available sources and some underperform significantly compared to available sources.

Some examples:

  • Challenger 2 turret cheek armour overperforms relative to available sources.
  • Challenger Mk.3 hull armour underperforms relative to available sources.
  • T-80U hull array matches available sources.
  • T-72B turret exceeds available sources.
  • M1A1 matches available sources.

It’s all over the place, however, a number of Russian MBT’s are overperforming due to a different standard between how NATO and Soviet sources’ classify their armour protection values. This is something that Gaijin does not properly account for.

In short:

  • Soviet standard = A given armour value as listed in source material is determined by the line-of-sight effectiveness at the constructional angle of the array.
  • NATO standard = A given armour value as listed in source material is determined by the effectiveness of the array at the vertical.

In short: A Object 292’s glacis array equals 540mm at line-of-sight constructional angle (68°), or 440mm if measured at the vertical.

Gaijin accounts for this on certain vehicles such as the T-64A:
(Which is why the armour value seems so low at first glance)
255mm at vertical = 318mm per the Soviet standard. It’s no coincidence that Soviet sources cite the T-64A’s armour at ≈315mm.

And the M1:
(350mm as stated in source material becomes 375mm via this change in standards)

But this is not done on the majority of Soviet MBT’s, and thus they can be overperforming relative to other vehicles.

Again, some are, some aren’t.

M829A1, M833, etc. match available source material.
M774 exceeds source material.
DM53 underperforms relative to source material.

Gaijin is just lazy and generalizes too much in terms of density ratings, etc.

Yes, it is indeed, but Gaijin claims this game models it’s vehicles as accurately as possible.

They simply don’t and this is a lie, they nerf vehicles’ armour in a effort to keep them balanced, even though balance should be achieved via the Battle Rating system, and not the artificial nerfing of vehicles.

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You don’t seem to understand what gearing ratios are.

Please look this up.

IDK I’m not engineer Maybe you are right

Super simple explaination: People modify their cars where they shorten gears to achieve higher acceleration at the cost of top speed.

The T-72 features a famously short 1st gear, this is done to achieve high torque which allows it to get out of certain situations where it might otherwise be stuck.

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im pretty sure m1a1 armor atleast on the turret is slightly underperform

“New topic”


Gun shield underperforms, but not the turret cheeks.