Is premium vehicle price a little bit too high?

That’s a common belief, but businesses often don’t grasp it. They think higher prices will lead to record-breaking sales.

However, if prices were set at a more reasonable level, sales targets and records would likely be surpassed more frequently.

Happy customers = Higher Sales

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a number Y that might be convinced to make a purchase and a number Z that would have bought the vehicles for the old prices anyways.

If the amount of Y is not big enough, they will obviously just take the money from Z, maybe even raise the prices, and get money from Y during sales a few times a year rather than lowering the prices throughout the whole year and handing out “freebies” to Z who would even pay 100 USD for a vehicle to play it at release.

Well god, you’ve done your research? you know whether they did their research or not?

You said this like you’re the finance guy from gaijin lmfao.

And you said this like you are really from a communist country.

incoherent english mf is the one saying i’m a goddamn commie?

Give me a report that said the Y isn’t big enough to justify price slash and I’ll believe your Boeing bean counter ass analysis.

I’ll say this much.

I live in Hungary.

Gaijin is headquartered in Hungary and exhibits Hungarian tendencies.

Hungarian tendencies tend to go contrary to well-estabilished and sensible practices.

We’re Europe’s economic power house for a reason.

Economic powerhouse in europe?

What a fucking joke lmfao. Also quit the “Gaijin is hungarian” BS, they’re Russian, with good old 3rd world greed.

I have employed a common communication technique known as “make a statement intentionally false to highlight the utter ridiculousness of something.” Everyone who is familiar with the EU knows that Hungary is… a troubled member. Therefore, a statement claiming otherwise will amuse them and reinforce the statement that claiming experts know everything to be equally ridiculous.

A statement made that “Financial experts have come to a conclusion” can be justly countered with a statement highlighting a country’s tendencies. If economic experts coming to a conclusion always comes out as the correct one, there’d be no such infamy - aye?

If even basics irritate you so much that you believe you are talking to “the finance guy from gaijin lmfao”, it would be quite a waste of time to provide you with a more in-depth analysis.

Responses that disagree with your opinion also seem to rile you up quite a bit. And while that could be interesting for a while, it is not what I came here for. So I’ll leave you alone.

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I’ll just say, it’s kinda too “in your face”. unless that’s the whole point of it.

basic is when people normalize corporate greed despite the proven fact that customer love having their feedback considered and implemented?

Keep justifying it bean counter. you’d crash your first boeing in 10 years.

I often tend to praise or otherwise make congratulatory statements with intent of criticism and expression of dissatisfaction.

yeah you ain’t getting that through with text. need the sarcastic tone to go with it.