Is overpressure realistic?

Overpressure is also based on reality, arguably moreso than hull break. Even with your changes, it doesn’t actually fix the problem it was aiming to address and would revert HE shells to be less usefull overall.

The HE-VT one is unrealistic, it should not function like that. But in general overpressure is fine.

I don’t have an issue with HE nerf at all. Their very broken and need work.

What I say is the new armor system, not the old one, which means some light tanks can’t be simply over-penetrate by shells, even APs, considering a 6-inch AP over-penetrate some light tanks and spaa, it is definitely annoying.

Ah, someone has found the Funny Shell. Good old M339, I love using it on tank extremities and road wheels.

I think you forget a major beneficiary of overpressure was HESH rounds, since you were referring what a 183 round could do. Plus, based on pressure simulations I’ve seen, War Thunder isn’t that far off bar some wild cases and unintended ones.

HESH is terrible. It’s never been more worse then it is right now

It was even worse during hullbreak days

maybe, you need to sit in the tank and try yourself. anyway, tell us the result.

Basically in game to overpressure you dont need to overpressure the crew compartment bur you need to overpressure at least something.
Your videos are a proof of that.
No, its not realistic, but its a result of a very simple system that Gaijin has made.

The Shell you chose is correct within the game to a degree.

The Israeli M339 HE was designed to punch through something, a thick wall for example, and explode inside. Considering how much HE is in the shell; it absolutely obliterates vehicles even when splashing them from a track.

HE does have flaws, but the shell you chose isn’t a great example of normal HE since it’s the exception. This shell is unique in game in that it acts more like SAP or APHE when it hits a target.

I will take a horribly bugged Overpressure mechanic over Hull Break ANY DAY.

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The HE in this example is an outlier. It’s designed to punch through things before exploding and has more HE in it that the legendary 125mm HE.

My problem with overpressure is how it only seems to apply to certain tanks. You get hit in the track by an arty shell in a patton ? Here’s an overpressure death for you. A VIDAR gets shot by a 152 mm HE in the crew compartment ?? Half of the turret crew somehow survives…

That’s just odd how “light vehicles” are somehow so much harder to overpressure, almost makes me miss hullbreak when a BMP-1 wouldn’t survive direct missile impacts bruh


The overpressure has been enhanced in this game, including those poor 125 grenades with low TNT.

I had something relatable happen when spading the Bkan 1C, except it wasn’t a light vehicle but a Ferdinand. I shot under it to its side, and the whole crew in the gun compartment was killed, but it wasn’t overpressure killed for some reason (presumably because the driver and radio operator are in a separate crew compartment).

Hull break was overkill, however I do think a limited form of it should return, separate from overpressure.

Specifically in the form of “Turret Break” - an impact of sufficient force to the turret from any direction tears the turret off of the vehicle and said vehicle dies instantly. This would mainly help the artillery machines which, despite overpressure, are surprisingly inconsistent vs turreted tanks, and other than the Bkan 1C have very punishing reloads if overpressure decides to not trigger.

For some examples - the T29/34, the T32s, the King Tigers, the IS-2s, and the IS-3. All of these will absorb multiple hits to the turret side, and only if their hull is facing toward you is there a chance that HE to the turret above the hull front will splash down and overpressure the crew, when frankly I doubt any tank would be in operation after a direct artillery shell impact. At minimum the turret ring would be broken from the force of the blow.

Hence I came to the idea of “Turret Break.” Since asking for armor deformation from impacts is too much for the game engine to handle realistically, as well as being too taxing on PCs to model, this limited version of hull break would be a workaround. Impact force thresholds would be displayed on X-ray view for the turret ring, and these would be additive for multiple successive impacts to a point. A bunch of SPAA HE rounds would not add towards this, but repeated 100mm and larger HE/HESH shells would. Perhaps HEAT rounds could also apply for this, but I’m on the fence including these.

In general, the larger the turret ring, the more force required to rip said turret off.

yes overpressure is basically having your crews lungs blown up by pressure, in reality the vehicle would possibly still be fully functional but the crew would have been killed, its the same thing as the 6ish foot distance from a grenade going off being 100% lethal no matter if you get hit by shrapnel or not.

It can be buggy and it’s certainly not fully accurate to real life. It could use improvement. It’s a hell of a lot better and more realistic than the hull break it replaced though


Yes, and overpressure is supposed to be stronger.
APFSDS vs sealed mild weather steel container.

Obviously MBTs use thick hardened steel so they wouldn’t suffer like that.
However, IFVs using thinner hardened steel, or aluminum alloy, would suffer greatly.

It’s unrealistic that APFSDS does less damage to IFVs than HEATFS. And multipurpose is better than both.