Is moonclimbing considered 'fun' nowdays?

No. That’s why i wrote:

For this:

I am not sure who you want to convince - you are way too experienced to get killed in a head-on and even as A7Ms are large targets you were the clearly far superior pilot.

As written earlier - the “hit probability” of long range shots with MG 151/20 is thanks to poor ballistics and the SD bug of mine shells (report) almost zero. And the 109 has no armour, it has just a bullet proof wind shield :-)

Imho (based on flying B7A2 and SM 92) chasing faster enemies is a clear waste of time - i recommend the usual bait and reverse tactic, so by offering a lower and slower target you can convince most of such guys to try their luck.

As for your new replay:

Indeed a typical case. I mean if you checked the statcard of your opponent it is obvious that a level 19 player is unable to compete with battle hardened vets and i have zero understanding for his behaviour.

With using his view you can get the idea that he was trying to fulfill a daily task like killing 2 bombers, this would explain his 3 x 30 mm MK 108 loadout. His friendly I-225 killied your Lanvaster and B-17. So being totally outperformed by his opponents he would have had zero chance to get within 300 meters of an enemy in order to have a small chance for a hit.

Why this guy then landed after getting blind hunted (after ~ 19 minutes) and circled the airfield at low level with top speed is for me not comprehensible. The only benefit for him i saw was gaining 40-80 RP for landing and take off.

Same here, but i expect every prop battle to last 25 minutes and i stopped bothering about wasted time years ago.

I think you wanted to mention ground targets (instead of objectives) in order to bring down the enemy tickets to zero. This happens mainly due to 2 reasons:

  1. No strike aircraft in your team, no bomber in your team- or they got killed before they could drop. A base kill rewards ticket reductions in the range of 160 - 300 tickets per base.
  2. Sloppy map design - or the remaining targets (like the rare large pillboxes) are “unkillable” for average fighters without (or significant) bomb loads.

In other words:

Sometimes it is a good thing to have smart strike aircraft / bomber pilots in your team (and worth to protect them) and sometimes you need map know-how to deal with certain design flaws.

If you are interested: I created a thread with design flaws on prop Air RB maps:

Unbalanced Maps in Air RB - Feedback thread

For this specific match: I disagree that there were not enough ground units left - they were just tanks. As from my pov all of your team used mouse aim it is not impossible to kill ai tanks with 20 mm AP rounds. I see this daily.

And btw - you team was unable to locate the enemy ai planes (6 if i counted correctly) which have done nothing the whole match - they just flew in circles between the grid E4 and E6.

Have a good one!

gj I was solely relying on his statement. Things are clearer with the replay

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…you drag the match to high alt, because you feel confident to win a match even playing 1 vs 5.

As the ticket situation was mentioned in this thread i would like to share a replay on China Civil War map:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

In which i was optimistic to win this match if i am able to kill the best enemy player - even in a 1 vs 5 because i assumed (correctly) that my enemies had not the necessary map knowledge. And i climbed up to 8km in order to increase my chances to win.


  1. I played 1 vs 5 after 10 minutes on the “right” side of the map. This means that the enemy team needed to kill ai tanks, whilst mine just had pillboxes as main target and mission objective.

  2. My own team killed all 4 bases (~1.200 tickets) and some pillboxes whilst the enemy team killed no bases and attacked mainly non objective relevant ground units. Therefore my ticket lead was large enough to win if the enemy team attacks the “wrong” targets.

  3. A quick check right at the start showed just one serious enemy in a F4U-4 - and the remaining enemies had no high alt engine power (P-63, P-51 A, I-16) except a rookie in a P-51 D-5.

  4. All i had to do was to ensure that i discourage them to climb up to high alt and attack me as a team, otherwise there was no risk to die or to lose this match even if heavily outnumbered.

I won the match because:

  1. The “best” enemy in the F4U-4 saw my contrail at high alt and decided to leave after his repair.
  2. The I-16 (the only plane able to outturn me) crashed.
  3. The P-51 A was unable to spot me even as i was marked with a blind hunt order 3.7 km directly above him. He stalled later into my guns.
  4. The P-51 D-5 flew more than 13 min with a missing wing tip at 2-300 kmph across the map, it looked like he was too scared to try a high speed belly landing and i anticipated enemies near their forward airfield (and i got him there)
  5. The most active enemy in the P-63 killed a hell of (ticket wise seen) useless target - despite i told him in all-chat that he needs to kill ai tanks - and thought it was a smart idea to land on his forward airfield despite i killed his last team mate 6 km in front of him…

To make this clear:

If we would not have this grinding event running i might have spared the last 2 guys as it feels a little bit unfair to win due to superior map knowledge and to exploit their lack of experience at the same time.

If the enemy team would have been more experienced i would have lost this match. The 4 Hispanos of the P-51 A produce enough fire power to kill a hell of my ai tanks in a few passes - my tanks drove in 2 columns in a straight line on a straight road.