Is it too much to ask to fix US Ground top tier?

While i question the TUSK underpreforming.
I would like to see your source of the values.

This one I believe.

Question, have you ever seen any of these vehicles in action? OK shut up I have a big difference. I’ll keep my mouth shut from here.

JFC where are the values?

There are no values on that.

Okay know it all ^^”

Have you seen a T-72 A in combat?

Let alone know the FCS system and its capabilities

What difference, the fact that the T-72B3 was in the Desert Storm operation and battle of 73 easting…

The T-72B3 didn’t exist until 2010, 73 easting was in 91’

I’ve talked about it in another thread before, and I really don’t feel like taking the time to find it, but others can confirm that it is accurate in game.

Excuse me if I doubt.

It’s fine, it’s just the fact that TUSK was designed to deal with urban geruilla warfare where their main threat was enemy RPG teams. Mostly using outdated RPG-7’s.

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Let’s keep that topic out of the forums. I will say it is a quick way to shut down a topic.

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You realize that, 20 of the 31 Abram’s sent to the east war have been destroyed…

The Abram’s performs just fine, considering it was fighting tanks with laughably bad ability in comparison to it.

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Yes, that’s what I’m saying. It’s costing them so much just to destroy them not saying they’re indestructible. I’m big into this conflict. Trust me. It’s costing them an Extreme some of money Taking out these western tanks.

Yeah, because artillery, kamikaze drones, and M-Kills are “expensive”

The other RW&B is simply losing so much armor because of poor strategy and crews.

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For example one Abrams took a complete artillery barrage three AT Missiles fired from aircraft Multiple Shahid drones With the crew surviving, all they achieve was a combat kill on the vehicle

So we’re going to ignore the 3 on parade in Moscow that are blacker than night, and look like an old dilapidated barn.


Yes, I’m saying you killed them. Good job. It cost you more than the tank just to kill it and the crew survived.

There’s only been two times in M1A1 Where the crew didn’t survive
In the war, Ukraine, I mean now there’s multiple instances We were completely destroyed, but those were in the Middle East

The point of taking out a tank isn’t to kill the crew, it’s to completely take the Multi, idk, million/billion dollar tank out of action.

Oh, also, here’s a Abram’s with TUSK Mk.1