Is it possible to see a A-10C or other variants in the future

This is true in most cases in game except sim battles. It is very hard to control the high speed platform that the F-16C is while trying to use guided munitions.The A-10C is better in that regard and the A-10C also can hold upwards of 16,000 lb of ordinance. I’m not saying that the F-16C holds less.
The A-10C can also carry:

  • Laser-guided bombs, such as the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, Paveway series bombs, Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser, and AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon glide bombs
  • Mk-82 and Mk-84 series low/high drag bombs
  • Incendiary cluster bombs
  • Combined effects munitions
  • Mine dispensing munitions
  • unguided and laser-guided 2.75-inch (6.99 centimeters) rockets
  • Infrared countermeasure flares
    *** Electronic countermeasure chaff**
    *** Jammer pods**
    *** Illumination flares**
    This are some game changing mechanics/weapons so i’m not expecting them to only come for the A-10C

Yes but it wouldn’t really help sense the A-10C engines burn cool(er). Also with the new flares it would be impossible to get a lock with anything when it is flaring. Sadly do to its speed you could just gun it down.

The next few things are from
“The aircraft also have armament control panels, and infrared and electronic countermeasures to handle surface-to-air-threats, both missile and anti-aircraft artillery”
They said the A-10Cs countermeasures should be able to handle surface to air threats.

“ The pilots are protected by titanium armor that also protects parts of the flight-control system. The redundant primary structural sections allow the aircraft to enjoy better survivability during close air support than previous aircraft.
The aircraft can survive direct hits from armor-piercing and high explosive projectiles up to 23mm. Their self-sealing fuel cells are protected by internal and external foam. Manual systems back up their redundant hydraulic flight-control systems. This permits pilots to fly and land when hydraulic power is lost”
Even if something did end up hitting it, it would a very high chance of surviving it do to the titanium bathtub.

“ Some of their other equipment include electronic countermeasures, target penetration aids, self-protection systems and an array of air-to-surface weapons, including laser and GPS guided munitions, AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.”
It also can carry self protection systems which I find very cool.

Yes but it will still be able to hold its own. I know this sense it was used as a partially air superiority fighter during afghan sense it could fly for long times and defend itself.

With the speed and low-alt capability, as well as a good TGP (litening or sniper), i’d say it can combat it quite well

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i will be talking strictly ground RB, since liquidgod talks about pantsir which isnt AI controlled unit in air as far as i know.

Id say the issue is with low-alt CAS runs is you dont get much use of TGP since the window for both target accquisition and attack will be quite small due to line of sight limitations provided by terrain. Moment A-10 raises above tree top it will pop onto radar of most AAs. and if they have ounce of brain, they wont be sitting (or rather, if the map permits it), they wont be sitting in spawn for easy picking. and they will most likely start their attack. meaning the window will get even smaller, since the A-10 will be defending (optimally, unless it is on one way trip).

moreso the weaponry WILL be affected by line of sight issues too - a maverick can very well eat dirt before reaching its target if the terrain is particulary hilly.

dont get me wrong, A-10 doing low-alt CAS run will absolutely shred AAs that dont have guns (for top tier that would currently be anything that isnt pantsir or US adats) to defend themselves at close range, issue is, any CAS can do that (low-alt gun runs are reason i added stinger gepard into my top tier lineup, because flakrad with missiles only cant deal with Ka-50s doing rockets run if they pop up too close).

ergo i dont think A-10C will be anyhitng more than tree filler for ground RB, simply due to how game works.

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I never said that. I’m not trying to be rude I don’t want enemy’s i just want someone to rant to. I’m sorry :(

cant say, i dont play sim. what i wrote is related to ground rb only.

which will affect its flight performance, no? unless A-10C gets massively upgraded engines it will suffer with full payload.

I took premium A-10 into test flight, loaded 4x GBU-8s and min fuel, that thing just wont accelerate. once it reaches 550kmh it doesnt lose the speed much in turn and turns rather well in low alt flight, but its just too damn slow. and no matter how much it turns, at those ranges the VT-1 will turn more.

both GBU-39 and AGM-154 can be carried by F-16C too if im reading this right, since its block 50.

GBU-39s can be aslo carried by tornadoes and gripens, which are also already in game.

unless you limit those new CAS weapons to A-10C only, A-10C will simply stay inferior in flight and air to air combat performance.

unless A-10C has different engines that heats up differently, A-10A early at 100% throttle going 550kmh at 136m alt has engine temperature of 811 °C.

Tornado at the same alt going 1200 kmh with afterburner shows me engine temp of 901°C. And i know i can lock tornadoes at some 12km with IRST.

also I havent had any issues with flares while using IRST, which i use exclusively on the flakbus, and i have some 500 battles in it.

IRL? sure.

in game? many planes and helis in game already have countermeasures, both passive and active, aimed at defeating IR missiles.

and since for ground radar missile AAs, its SACLOS, meaning as long as i can see you i can hit you. i dont need lock at all. Thats why i said at the start

that is already feature on A-10s we have in game.

define self-protection system.

Im afraid it wont, at least not in ground RB.

yes but this is game we are talking about. during operation enduring freedom, i highly doubt that taliban deployed Tunguskas and Pantsirs.

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im taking no offense, no need to apologize. I simply stated what I think that was the topic about from what i gathered.

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Yes the engine power on the A-10A early is very very weak which was one giant improvement when it came to the C version.

Sadly not really they have changed the way it works i will post a clip of it happening to me later.
It will be from today sense i’m about to go play it.

While re-reading the article i noticed they used this while explaining the “Bathtub”. So sadly most of it is classified besides the bathtub.

  I left something huge out that helped the A-10 IRL and it would be possible to add to game. The A-10C Thunderbolt II has a low altitude safety and targeting enhancement system (LASTE) that calculates and delivers impact point freefall ordnance.The A-10's weapons delivery systems also include heads-up displays that show altitude, airspeed, navigation information, dive angle, and weapons aiming references.
   The A-10C also has a targeting pod (TGP), message page (MSG), maverick (MAV), status page (STAT), data transfer system (DTS), and embedded GPS INS (EGI).
   This pretty much lets you let go of your controls fly about 30 meters from the at all times due to the fact it will auto compute. It also has all these things to help the platform stay “Low and Slow” while still being super deadly. It looks like this targeting system will help you detect targets too. Its weapons still won’t be able to launch at high speeds put that doesn’t really come into play when your out of the range of the pansir and other SPAA.  
   It also means that if someone marks someone camping or something in a spot you don’t have to get a lock (From what i’m understanding) you could use the DTS and EGI and place a mark on were you want the ordnance to land. Will this be super affective NO, but it will help you get ride of AA in spawn preventing you from getting close. I have no clue if the F-16C could do this, but this would make the A10C very effective in my opinion.

My forms broke at the end there. lol
What it said was
I left something huge out that helped the A-10 IRL and it would be possible to add to game. The A-10C Thunderbolt II has a low altitude safety and targeting enhancement system (LASTE) that calculates and delivers impact point freefall ordnance.The A-10’s weapons delivery systems also include heads-up displays that show altitude, airspeed, navigation information, dive angle, and weapons aiming references.
The A-10C also has a targeting pod (TGP), message page (MSG), maverick (MAV), status page (STAT), data transfer system (DTS), and embedded GPS INS (EGI).
This pretty much lets you let go of your controls fly about 30 meters from the at all times due to the fact it will auto compute. It also has all these things to help the platform stay “Low and Slow” while still being super deadly. It looks like this targeting system will help you detect targets too. Its weapons still won’t be able to launch at high speeds put that doesn’t really come into play when your out of the range of the pansir and other SPAA.
It also means that if someone marks someone camping or something in a spot you don’t have to get a lock (From what i’m understanding) you could use the DTS and EGI and place a mark on were you want the ordnance to land. Will this be super affective NO, but it will help you get ride of AA in spawn preventing you from getting close. I have no clue if the F-16C could do this, but this would make the A10C very effective in my opinion.

not sure how this would be implemented in warthunder, but im not that knowledgable to judge. what i will say however that i really wouldnt allow warthunder to do piloting for me, given that it is, well, warthunder.

that soudnds like either CCIP or CCRP?

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Well it goes along with the GPS targeting that i mentioned at the end

This would also come to the F111’s but it was know for being a very reliable system
But do you think that the Long Range GPS targeting will be beneficial

There is already an su25 with ECM - the 25T has an IRCM system in the tail. It’s the only nation to get it on a plane because RussianBias™

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Ircm is not ew

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IRCM is a type of ECM. Cope…

We are not talking about ECM we are talking about EW

Read the quoted text… it’s right there. They said “ecms”

You are talking about the IRCM on the SU25 as if its a magic missile denial tool.
Sure it works, if the missile is within the very narrow effective area, and it will stop working almost entirely under 1-0.8km. if it had 360* of effective area, sure it would be broken, but its not, its more or less a gimmick .

It’s still something no one else gets access to. I didn’t comment on how effective that particular implementation is.

I have heard it is super helpful in Ground RB sense it makes it more difficult to get a lock.

With Stingers and such using IR track mode in rear aspect.

Doesnt affect SAMs nor missiles using different modes such as contrast seeker (or whatever it is called).

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The IRCM only works from the rear, in a narrow arc, sure it might deny early missiles , like those on the chaparral , but Anything better than a stinger shouldnt have issues with it

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