Is Gaijin kidding now..i got killed by a heli ATGM from a guy who had 1 ONE! assist before

ONE assist! and then you jump in an Aluette with ATGMSs

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You can earn Spawn Points by tanking hits, as well as damaging other tanks before they die, giving you extra spawn points before the kill assist. Kill assists can also make aircraft cheaper due to the recon perk that light tanks get when scouting, but I agree that having roughly one assist should not give you the ability to use a helicopter with ATGMs.

However, we don’t know if the alouette was completely downtiered, or completely uptiered, meaning that if it were completely uptiered, its spawn-point cost and overall effectiveness would be much lower.


There are lots of things that award SP, just hitting enemies or being hit are also among them.

An enemy SPAA just spraying him already grants him rewards.

Taking damage but they removed the points you get for bouncing.

I find it funny, on planes guided bombs cost the same as bringing the same amount of similar sized bombs meaning there is no point in making a dumb bomb loadout for some jets, and guided missiles cost an extra 300sp on average. All while a heli can be as cheap as 450sp without even scouting with a full assortment of atgms and aams…. Helis were a terrible idea in the first place.

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Classic WT player thinking destroying tanks is all you need to do.

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the SP system is still easy to understand. But hey, we’d rather come cry on the forum than rack our brains…


Consider having an Anti-Air Weapons platform ready.

Occasionally, I start with one of these and manage to take down 2 to 3 helicopters right at the beginning of the match. Since most helicopters that spawn initially use rockets, it’s still useful to include one in your lineup, just in case.

War Thunder is like a big game of Rock, Paper Scissors.



Where’s my guided armament for my F-4EJ? 11.0 and all it gets is dumb bombs with CCRP within even Pantsir BR range.

Except an actually competent CAS player at higher ranks is basically impervious to SPAA?
And yes - even the Pantsir, regardless of the Pantsir’s claimed 300G overload and 500km of range from redditors.

I would agree but the pantsir has an amazing radar which detects most atgms and bombs coming for it, and has enough missiles to destroy all of them. It’s simply good at everything air related where as other have less than half the missiles load with worse missiles and either less or no cannons with worse radars. It’s is far better than anything else no matter what. Not saying I can’t deal with them but on average a pantsir who is paying attention will take 3 to 4 guided bombs to kill. And considering my tornado can take a max of 4 it just negates me kills but doesn’t necessarily kill me, which is more than I can say for other spaa which I mostly just ignore because there not much of a threat. If Russia isn’t on the enemy team I just stay high and fast and ignore any missile fired at me.