Is everything okay with Fw 190 A-4?

Hello everybody, I’m quite new here.

I am playing with the Fw 190 A-4 at the moment and I experiencing crazy things.
First of all, the overheat problem. I use WEP for climbing and for combat. If the numbers turn red I turn off the WEP. But when I need it in combat, the numners start flashing in red and no avail I can’t cool
down the engine. The red numbers on oil temp. keep on flashing and the engine quite fast starts to lose power and on the lower left corner the engine color turns into black. And battle ends…

The other thing is the climb rate. It is very low compared to this video:

According to the video at from 5:38 to 5:50, the man says that the Focke Wulf could out out climb the Spitfire Mk V. Now in game the Focke Wulf has lower climb rate than the Spitfire Mark V.

There are more sources:

FW 190 A-5 Performance <— According to this source 28 km/h is missing from it’s top speed.
Spitfire Mk V Performance Testing

The cooling for both 109’s and 190’s is not realistic to irl, to my knowledge. idk abt the RoC


Do you use flaps while climbing? I set the flaps at take-off when I start climbing in the 109 and it really improves the RoC.

And I’m pretty sure those stats aren’t really accurate in game.


I don’t use flaps for climbing. I use flaps only on the airfield runway to take off. And I use it in combat situation, ofc.

Wait what?..

You put out your flaps when climbing?

That will 100% decrease you climb rate. It’s added drag and higher lift will increase the relative pitch of the plane over the horizon and you will lose speed.

In turns or during take-off and landing you want that extra lift to allow some lower landing speeds, during flight you don’t want any of that.

Combat flaps are also only useful for a couple of seconds. After that you get too slow and lose turning speed.


You can thank this… interesting… bug report. Which doesn’t reference ANY sources other than “it was revealed to me in a dream”.


LMFAO!!! That’s actually crazy man…!

If you have enough valid sources, you should 100% make a report about it here:
and then post it on this thread so we can support you.

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Ah yes, the klimb afterburner report that basically ended the whole 190A line…
That bugreport is WT museum worthy… I mean his proof / source is literally a screenshot of him in-game showing the wrong angle of climb even… legendary nonsense.

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Last time I sent a bug report about the Panther A’s speed. I sent a museum’s data and the bug report moderator told me that everybody can upload anything on the internet and If I want to send a real bug report I should send factory data about the tank. However, I’m not a member of German factories, and for planes, I’m not a descendant of Wilhelm Messerschmitt or Kurt Tank…

I wrote it because I wanted to ask other players what do they think about it. Not for bug report.

I held it crazy to can’t cool down the engine when the oil temp. flashing in red because on the Bf 109 I can cool down the engine when red numbers are flashing.

But in one of my battle yesterday, I could cool down the engine in the Fw 190 aswell.

Simply put, GJ screwed the FM of the 190 so many times over that its simply not a joy to fly anymore due to it being far too limited in what you can do. The devs cant or dont want to model the FM of the 190´s right. That GJ also accepts fever dreams as bugreports in regard to Germany is also nothing new e.g. Spall liners on Leos or ignoring manufacturer manuals.

If you want to fly 190´s and have a decent flight experience DCS or IL-2 is the way as sad as that is.


The FW-190A was documented as having overheating issues in reality, before this you could spam WEP all battle long which is completely inaccurate. Every other aircraft overheats more or less like it should, the 190 should be no exception.

The 190 flight model in general is in one hand over generous and another underperforming. For one it’s comically stable compared to reality where it was known to have a sharp stall and would also tighten up in turns very much like the Spitfire unless the pilot eased off of the stick (as reported by modern flight reports and Eric Brown).

This also has the added downside however that the 190 is nowhere near as dynamic to fly as it should be lacking a ton of elevator authority and manoeuvrability. The P-51’s are similar in the way that they should have a snappy stall but in game you have to fight them to make them do it.

It also heavily nerfed the 190 Ds, which are now unable to cool down their oil.

None of which were due to the oil cooler, as that remained largely unchanged throughout its development. Yet in-game, the oil temperature is the biggest limiting factor.
Cylinder head temperature was the limiting factor IRL, and side ventilation slots were introduced on the A-2 model (and all subsequent 190 As, including some retrofits to A-1s); the A-4 added controllable flaps to these ventilation slots, and cooling problems were pretty much gone.
Worth mentioning that when they tried fitting MW-50 to an A-4 they actually had issues with overcooling, not something you’d expect if all 190s were running too hot.

It gets worse in the 190 Ds, which were able to use WEP continuously for 10min thrice, with a cooldown period in between - yet in-game it’s basically impossible to get even the first 10min use in before your oil goes red and you suffer engine damage, let alone the rest.

Which they used to be, and I’m not sure why they changed that. The 190s used to be very fun to fly, but now if you want that experience you gotta go get the event one.