Is BF 109 The Big Boy prop?

can you think for two seconds on how many 109s and p51s there are in game? and compare those? thanks

And your point is what? Theres more spitfires in game than 109s, it doesn’t mean you’re gonna have 30 spitfires in a match your point is stupid, it boils down to “theres more variety of inferior planes so its better”

It doesnt matter that the bf-109G2 is great at 4.3 when it gets dogwalked by a 3.7 mustang thats only 3.7 because it gets 2 less guns

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That the P-51D30 does NOT “rule” 4.0-6.0, and that the P-51H-5 does NOT “rule” 5.3-7.3


you’re comparing them in an obtuse way

109k4 is better than d30 for instance but worse than h5

109f4/g2/g6 is better than p51c but worse than p51d30


The P-51D30/K is arguably better than the 109K-4 the D30 can make far better use of MEC to optimise its performance and will handily outrate/bleed a 109 of its energy the only downside it has over the 109 is climbrate

Don’t agree on the level that 95% of ppl in game play at, I will not pretend to know the aircraft in and out but playing both and having years of experience at that BR I think the k4 is the better aircraft, though not by much as I agree the D30 is undertiered

anything, the yaks are fkin broken as hell, always have been.

my brother in christ the post was about spitfires and 109s

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People dont understand how broken the D30 is becuase they refuse to learn basic MEC just closing the radiators decreases its drag massively i genuinely want a ranked gamemode for ARB so people can stop being stupid in good aircraft and actually learn how to play them itd also mean i wouldnt be hampered with effectively blue enemies every game

was replying to a comment regarding yaks . . .

you replied to me

look up 1 then

I won 2 2v1’s against 2 spits earlier today. Both times I was caught in the middle between them in alt.

Yeah, I agree with this

this makes no sense as the P-51 was designed irl to produce very little drag with its radiator.

True that

Yeah this isnt real life and its pretty poorly modelled you get a notable speed increase with the radiators shut in game

ik just pointing out how dumb it is if gaijin has it modelled like that

I can dog on people even without MEC. The D30 and H are just that good and severely underteired. But they can’t move up much other than .3 or they’ll start face jets that can’t do much to

Sure, and any kill in a Zero is only possible due to enemy incompetence as it has no business at 5.3 due to it being slower than a heavy bomber at it’s own BR.

Doesn’t mean it’s the best plane there.

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I don’t think it is anymore (don’t quote me on that)

It is