Iranian Grounds Force Tech Tree

Iran has a good ground tree if implemented in Israeli style, but it would falter when compared to proposals such as Benelux, Visegrad or Yugoslav tree suggestions. Other nations could be mentioned besides this, but that’s besides the point.

Many proposals would have quantitative and qualitative ground trees while also having superior air trees to boot. Depending on the case naval could also be far superior.

Hence why I think that Iran wouldn’t be terrible, but definitely not of greater importance than some others.

Yugoslavia in your suggested tree includes many Soviet and American tanks, and maybe its modern tanks have a variety, but Iran has a lot of tanks that it made from the beginning.

Both Iran and Yugoslavia use foreign equipment and both countries heavily modify them.
Yugoslavia, however, has many more domestically produced platforms such as the BOV and BVP M-80 families. They also have more equipment from earlier tiers that is more appealing than what Iran has to offer.
And that is the ground case only, not even getting into the air side of things.

Almost in the whole world, we don’t have any other country that has its own tanks in the game like other countries from the beginning, so for a country like Iran, almost since the Cold War, most of its tanks have been its own design, or older tanks have been updated with equipment. New can be a good suggestion

But the addition of other countries also makes the game interesting, but the addition of Iran can bring another level of technology into the game, which can be very interesting.


not from the beginning in rank 1 that’s for sure

Yes, you are right, it does not have rank 1, but it has many good things from rank 4 or 3

That depends on how you look at things, as while they are wildly unique, almost all Iranian equipment is ultimately still based on foreign platforms and to a greater extent than Yugoslavia.

This statement is equally applicable to many other countries. Don’t see why that’d make Iran special in particular.

Both Iran and Yugoslavia are great to be added


But if you look at the Iranian tree and analyze its equipment, you will see that it can create a new level of gameplay

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Agreed, though I’d still say Yugoslavia would be the better addition for the near future.

I don’t see why it’d be so special when compared to others.
Sure, it’s cool and unique, but why would it lead to a “new level of gameplay”?
I don’t see anything that would lead to the additions of systems to this game that are not yet present.

I found this thing while looking Reddit it’s a Iranian technical supposedly equipped with a 2a42 cannon , it could be fun :)


These are just for testing and none of them will be operational or mass produced. If you want to make a joke, you can go and make fun of the failed projects of many other countries.

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The whole world has enough information about Iran’s military equipment and everyone agrees that Iranian equipment is one of the best in the world

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Nah Im not making fun of Iran I just think that thing could be a bizarre R3 (also thanks for the clarification I didn’t know it was used for testing)

Yes, I agree with you, but in the end it was a project


dont mention it, it was a duty

This is an experimental device
But its addition can be very interesting and a new R3 will be added to the game

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Well, sorry for being away for such a long time, since I’ve got caught with some seasonal influrenza last week.

Anyways, as more and more photos of the 2023 Sacred Defense Week were released, here’s some that really catches my attention (as images of the Zulfiqars and Tiams were not released yet).


After some 15 or so years, we’re getting another glimse of the anti-tank Sayyad again. Although this one doesn’t seem to have a mounted Toophan launchers on it, it does carry at least 7 of them externally. I think this image might’ve give some useful clue about what this little vehicle were capable off.

Also, we are getting to see the Type 85/Cascavel hybrid again in Isfahan. Based on some quick translate on Google, I think the sign on the side of the vehicle might be finally revealed the exact name of this vehicle (probably “Tuyin quick reaction tank”), though since I can’t read Persian, I would appreciate any help from you guys to confirm this.


new karar tank

It said: Quick Reaction Tank of Nezsa - Tosan. So, Tosan is the name and rest of those words means it’s a light tank for IRGC ground force.

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