Iranian Grounds Force Tech Tree

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Guys please stay on topic, by talking about political subjects you are not only derailing the topic, but you are also breaking the forum’s rules.
Politics should stay outside of this website.


I’ll provide you some information through DM, it has just enough information about Mk.3P, Mk.5P, 4030/1 and Shir 1 & 2.

For those who interested images of said tanks:

FV4030/1 Chieftain Mk. 5/3 (P) (Project 4030 Phase 1)

FV4030/2 Shir 1 (Project 4030 Phase 2)

FV4030/3 Shir 2 (Project 4030 Phase 3)


Interesting . Warthunder most be add iran force

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As a follower of Iran’s military’s achievements, they’re not really reaching destroyer-cruiser class in modern era(due to its tonnage and anti air capability) but they have some interesting coastal ships, Catamarans and air defense boat/corvette.
according to their doctrine they developed a variety of boats with different aerodynamic, speed and weaponry that is used to attack like bee swarms; fast, Countless, deadly. these boats are armed with high caliber machine guns, Gatling and even automatic cannon(i dont know i had to say cannon or somhing else). they also armed with cruise missile and torpedo.
some that are designed to form an air defense cover of the fleet, are armed with defensive missiles that uses VLS(both cold lunch and hot lunch system).
and for their large fleet, they have some great plans for about a decade(they are unfortunately not implemented since today) such as “Loghman” class, “Khalijeh Fars” class, and some other without any name. some interesting logistic ships like “Mokran” class(in service of NEDAJA), “Shahid Mahdavi” Logistics ship.
and some drone/Helicopter carriers are under construction(in both Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy and Islamic Republic of Iran(army’s) Navy. The IRGCN one is named “Shahid Bagheri”.

and sorry that i don’t post any pictures.( i’m not familiar with the forum)


We hope that Gijin will add this feature +1


the helicopter draft looks good, there are a few thing I wanna say about this.
Due to the lack of funds and facilities after the Islamic Revolution, the Air Force of the Islamic Republic Army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps decided to arm transport and tactical helicopters as well. For example, the armament of UH1, Bell 212, Bell 214, Bell 206, CH3 Sea King, CH53 Sea Stallion and Mil 17 helicopters. They equipped these helicopters with Hydra rocket pods, heavy machine guns (I think 30 mm machine guns), anti-ship and anti-submarine torpedoes, anti-ship and anti-submarine mines, and all kinds of radars and communication systems.

and there are also some helicopter that you do not mention(?):
HH-43 Huskie



Panha 2061
Panha 2-75 Shabaviz


Iranian light helicopters_0
The two ‘civvy’ birds are the Panha 2061 (reverse-engineered AB206 JetRanger, subsequently ‘replaced’ by the equally-reverse-engineered Shahed-274 and Shahed-278) and Panha 2-75 Shabaviz (reverse-engineered AB205A Huey).

Boeing CH-47 Chinook



Sikorsky H-34( i just found the name on wikipedia i’ll search for a photo of it)
Aérospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon( i just found the name on wikipedia i’ll search for a photo of it)
Cessna CH-1 Skyhook( i just found the name on wikipedia i’ll search for a photo of it)

hope you find something useful in this message.


yes the irainian heli is very good


Thanks for correction m8. So I would like to ask something about your reply.

  1. Aside from the engine change, does the Mobarez received other changes?
  2. Based on your comments, is the Aghareb “tank” a real project or just a one-off conversion that were never meant to see service?

About IRGC variant of the Karrar, you can post some image or docs about the difference between both variants so long as it’s not “classified” document (since you know, that happens several times before), I would definitely added that version of the Karrar in the tree.

About the light tactical vehicles like the Safir, I think we shouldn’t have too many duplicate of the same vehicle chassis to fill the tech tree unless these weapons were different from one another enough to separate it. That’s why I choose to include the Banihashem 500 as a single vehicle with an option to research either the Toophan or the Dehlavieh, and choose to separate the Safir with Tosan and Toophan launchers since they have different performance from one another (plus visual cue like a gun shield on the side of the vehicle). I would definitely wanted to know about the vehicle with the Almas ATGM, as this would definitely bolster the anti-tank capabilities of the Iranian ground forces.


Thanks to @lLiberté for the info about the Shir project. This would be definitely be a great addition to the tree.

Though due to the tank never actually entered service with Iran since it was ordered during the Shahist era and all orders was cancelled in the aftermath of the 1979 revolution, I’m undecided on whether to include the Shir 2 as a researchable. So I would like to hear your opinion on the matters too.

The following is an excerpts are from OSPREY Publishing’s “Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982-97” book, which details the development of the Shir 1 and 2 tanks that were intertwined with the development of a new Brtish MBT that would later become the Challenger 1.

TLDR: Shahist Iran has ordered large number of Chieftain tanks from Britain and later ordered an upgraded version of the tank that would later be known as the Shir 1 and 2. The Shir 1 was a fire control upgrade derived from Chieftain Mk. 10, wheas Shir 2 would features Chobham composite armor on the tank. The order for the Shir 1 and 2 were cancelled after the 1979 revolution. The Shir 1 was later sold to Jordan as the Khalid, while the Shir 2 was later used as a basis for the Challenger 1 MBT.

(Edit: Cut down most of the other text to focus only on the Shahist Iranian part of the Chieftain tanks.)



Here’s the placeholder tree with the Shir 1 and 2 in the tree as a premium/event vehicle. I’ve also corrected the BR of the Chonma-ho in the premium section since I confused it as another T-54/55 variant wheas it is actually a T-62 variant.


As a side note, my suggestion post for the Tiam MBT has been approved, so be sure to check it out.


It is very good that Iran is added. If it is added, I will personally buy all Pyrimium tanks +1


Very attractive, I can’t wait for them to be added


I would recommend combining Iran with another nation.It would help Iranian TT to reduce C&P vehicles in the low tiers and maybe it could even bring some vehicles to the missing ranks.

i think it can be a separate tech tree like israel and sweden.

It can be but it would be better if it gets a subtree in it(e.g Palestine,Lebanon etc)

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I hope it will be added


i hope gaijin accept this techtree . actually it is so good


let us have new experience


yes i cant wait


great info pal! hope to see iranian tech tree soon.


this is great and would be a very challenging situations for players to experience a very new opportunities in real wars and also know m