Iran-Iraq WWM Leaked

Looks like WWM is returning. This mode needed some work. I hope they made some changes.

Also i cant stand these seasonal modes. Why would i invest time into something thats gunna dissappear for months to a year?

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They aren’t gonna. That’s the thing, I have 0 actual faith that they have bothered fixing WWM and already know communication will be non-existent.

Unfortunately you’re probably right.

But we’ll see i guess. They did update the test drive which was being requested for about 10 years now…

Hopefully WWM is overhauled into something that’s actually different from the standard modes and fun but the mission designers just seem to kinda do what they want without much direction and without really listening to much of the community.


Considering they haven’t done anything to fix the naval, I’m doubtful to the fullest.

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