Introduce better radio communication/Radio Damage

[Would you like to see improved radio communication?]
  • Yes
  • No
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[Should vehicle radios or skills affect radio communication?]
  • Increase time to send messages
  • Disable randomly selected/all communication
  • They shouldn’t affect communication (keep them as they are right now)
0 voters
[Should improved radio communications follow what World of Tanks has?]
  • Adapt it to suit War Thunder
  • Something original
  • Keep the current communication options
0 voters

Currently the communication in-game is lackluster and overall not very good. We have seen an introduction to the Air Alert which is very useful for SPAA and alerting teammates to Helicopter rushing players.
The problem with communication now is that it is generic and doesn’t give much context or basic communication with teammates. A better example of radio communication is World of Tanks that allows for players to get a new context menu when aiming at a friendly player or enemy player such as asking teammates for help or for fire on enemies specifically. This could be implemented through light tanks being able to callout the enemy tank (though likely not audibly as we would have to compensate for thousands of vehicles, then again recordings for this could be done for this in an afternoon but this is my basic understanding. Alternatively we could request fire on enemy and get a map market only.

War Thunder communication is on a level similar to World of Tanks but it cannot be personalised to teammates therefore you hear “Cover me”, check chat, AliceFur has sent it, now you need to find where she is, whereas it could be “AliceFur, Cover me!” or “AliceFur, assist me in repairs” or “AliceFur, Attack the D point!”. This allows for better quick communication, I cannot risk going into chat and typing “AliceFur, attack D point” because in those seconds I could get jumped whereas with this system I could quickly point to a teammate in the distance and quickly do an easily memorised bind. A lot of the functionality I believe would be up to Gaijin as I am not experienced enough with such things.

Here we can see the things World of Tanks offers for us. We have similar things but we are limited to player-contextless options which means they are often ignored.
How does the in-battle communication system work? | World of Tanks More detailed breakdown of World of Tank’s mechanics

Thanks, Alice
(This suggestion was written in half an hour at 1AM so its kind of rushed and basic but I believe it easily outlines the issue and how it can be resolved)


As an ex WoT player, the comms menu in that game was just fantastic


Same, even the old one was better because you could specifically tell “AliceFur, Fall Back!”, etc. Then it just got better whilst War Thunder is just stuck on something between something worse than WoT’s old system and WoT’s current one.

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