Integrity and Standards of the game

This game is about to lose me, Ive been playing 2012 and I have seen the matchmaking in particular badly change above Air RB Battle Rating 12, the inclusion of planes and missiles to target the “Call of Duty” generation all in the name of the Dollar.


At least you dont have to only play top tier.


This is quite true markimash, and I am glad I do not. After all the grinding to get those nice top tier planes I have now gone back some BRs and enjoy myself there, I wish they had a mode other than custom battles to fly those nice BR13s with all their flight performance in cannon only dogfights, good luck to you

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they do

its called tournaments

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Is that what I have to do now? Get in a tournament, OK thank you, I just cant play Air RB anymore? LOL

I’ll never get why people want guns only top tier. Most modern planes aren’t even built with dogfighting in mind. Only modern fighter where dogfighting performance was the main focus was the F-16.

To each their own I guess.



Womp womp

If you want to play ARB, you have to play with historical weaponry such as missiles…

If you don’t like missiles… Join a tournament.


Isn’t the problem avout you unable to defeat those missiles?

You might learn that going in like everyone is not necessary the solution to enjoy High Air RB…
Just learn to play differently

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? So adding features that DCS has makes War Thunder appeal to the Call of Duty generation?
I don’t think you’ve played COD, cause it’s the opposite of War Thunder and DCS.

But yeah, BRs are effectively different game modes and you should treat it like that.
No one is forced to play any game mode or BR, play what you like.

When I finish spading all tanks I stop playing ground RB with the intent of as many rewards as possible.

Air sim is also easier to get into than people think.


While I cannot speak for missile thunder, and korean jets are unplabable due to costing 15000 SL per spawn while your rewards are capped at around 18-22K/15 minutes (assuming you don’t die earlier)…

Propeller tier air sim is a lot of fun.

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Thank You, I have been considering the learning curve, once again lol, of Sim. Good Luck

No, AlvisWisla, Ive been playing since 2012 and its not the features themselves I am talking about. It is the marketing of those features, the imbalanced way they are applied and changed all the time, and the access to them now to just anyone, despite their skill level or not. I have seen a steady decline in the skill level at the higher tiers in Air RB, teamkilling, the “Chat” of the Horde. It did not used to be like that. So, you do make a good point about features, but no, those are not what Im talking about. Good Luck to you Alvis Wisla and thank you for your reply.

No, that is not the problem…I have been playing since 2012 and it is the standards of quality and marketing that have changed that I am referring to. The higher tiers always used to majorativly consist of the most skilled players. Now, over a 12 year span, particularly in the last two years because of the prems, the marketing, the lack of consistency in matchmaking, if you have been playing for awhile can you not notice the subtle change? No its not that Im dying sir, its that I am sick of being one of the last two or three left fighting against 10 or 11 planes with aim120s because the rest of my team got slaughtered in the first two minutes, which is a pretty common occurance. Good Luck Cpt and thank you for your reply.

Dude, Im going to be honest, youre one of the characteristic trolls I have watched for 12 years now. Youre not even seeing the larger picture of what Im talking about. Very base.

Teamkilling isn’t new, and no amount of teamkilling today matches 2014 teamkilling.
No-skill is not new, and I must say that the average skill level today is higher than the highest skill level in 2016.

Just out of curiosity, do you fly in BR13 AirRB battles?, I am just curious because I am tired of being one of two or three people left fighting 11 enemy planes with aim120s because the rest of my team got slaughtered 15 matches in a row in two minutes. Just a question. When the fox 3s came out I did my homework.

Yes, I play all BRs of all game modes.

And yes, I’ve been last one standing. More times than not I am not last one standing, partly cause I play <10 matches of any given BR + vehicle combination on average, partially cause of times of day I end up playing.

You seem like you have good sense…I completely understand your statement and agree with it. Perhaps I was not clear on some things. Let me say it this way, I am tired of being one of the last two or three people alive in a BR13 AirBattles because my team got slaughtered in the first two minutes of the battle. This will happen 15 matches in a row, and I did my homework with the introduction of fox 3s. And what am I to do fighting 11 enemy planes with aim120s, r77s, with two mates?, Most likely die, because of the Call of Duty players who buy a BR13 plane which will be available, have no skill, and are playing BR13 air battle at a Level 5 degree of skill, never even flew a Hurricane, say for instance…that is the marketing and money cause/effect I am talking about? Do you get the gist of what Im saying? I know how to notch, I know how to use my Mig29smt, F15, F16, etc…because I am a Marshall who moved through the ranks. The top tier jets in any era of WT used to be a majority of the best players, it is not like that now.